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How do I know if she likes me?

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ok, this is confusing. One of my roommates has a friend. She is VERY attractive. She normally has payed our room a visit once a week for the past 6 months or so to chat with my roommate. Up until about 2 months ago, I never suspected that she may have been flirting with me. Well up until 2 months ago, she wasn't. Anyway, about 2 months ago when I would pass her around campus or so, she would smile at me and it wasn't just a "I'm friends with your roommate smile either" it seemed more like a flirtatious smile. But then again, I could be totally wrong. The weekly visits continued only this time she would start small talk with me while she was visiting my roommate. I recall cracking a joke here and there and making her laugh a couple of times but nothing extroardinarily funny. Then I noticed her being more friendly when she saw me and sometimes even surprised to see me like when I was playing my guitar one night and telling me to have a good night. This is nothing, but its minor clues adding to the investigation. Now it's at the point where when she sees me on the street, she says hi with a smile and some added emotion. The small talk is still there during her weekly visits and the touching of the arm has even occurred now which was the last visit but only once. Also, not to mention that she stopped me one time to say hi and ask how I was with a smile when I was a tad out of the way for her. The latest was she applied the teasing/joking tone with me when I made a casual joke. Anyway, I know this could be total horsecrap and a figment of my imagination (believe me when I say I am not head over heels for this girl but the physical attraction is there and it makes me ponder if there is something) but I am a confused 18 year old. Does she have an interest in me or not? It would be greatly appreciated if I could get a ladies' response here about the mind of an attractive young woman and advice on the current situation at hand. Thanks. -CJP

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I'm a girl, but that doesn't mean that i can help you... the best thing to do is ask her if she likes you... one of two things will happen... she'll either think that your some jerk who thinks he can get any girl that he want's or... she might just like you. no other way to find out...

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Hey im a grl, I deff think this sounds like she likes you. When i like a guy i laugh at everything he says. And the smile....wow the smile tells it all, I always have that little smile that has some kinda mystery behind it, that make the guy start to think. I think wen she comes to se4e u sometime, u should tell her something like.. wow i never noticed how besautiful your eyes were..something sweet like that. If u say NICE ASS... she'll be like what a jerk ( maybe ). Coming out of her way to say hi to you, is a big sign that she likes you. I say go for it. Asl her to hang out, or start a conversation wen u kno the 2 of u will be alone without interruptions. O r u could always say something like ....awww do u have to leave?..wen she goes to leave.

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