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I feel really hopeless and stupid


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I'm now in my honours year of Industrial

Psychology. However, I was never particularly bright in school and my friend felt the need to point out today that I was never academically inclined in school. This made me feel really stupid, infact I feel like I am stupid. If I could go back to school days, I know I'd have

changed the way I approached school

work. I currently have a 69% average in

my honours year and I never got less than

70% for an essay, yet I still feel this way because of how I messed up in school.

How do I get rid of these feelings? I feel really inferior and stupid when she said this. I've been upset all day. I mean sure, what she said was true, but did she really need to point that out. How does one go about not caring about what others think of you?

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She's not a real friend. Real friends bring up concerns and support you to do better, no belittle you. Even though it maybe true that you can't go back and change the past you can still better yourself now and in the future. Right now you're in the upset stage. You need to get mad and realize that you have potential. Prove to her and especially to yourself that even though you haven't been the best student, that you're going to finish with a bang! When you start doing better you will feel better and she will feel stupid and ashamed for underestimating you. And you need to really start thinking about what kind of friend she is. Real friends don't put you down.

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That's what I've been thinking too. It seems that lately, I don't match her perfect standards. I'm a flawed individual and she has made the effort to not pick on my flaws and ignore them; but at the same time, I sense a lot of judgement in the way she picks on me like this at rare times. I just feel like I may be inadequate and not good enough to be her friend.


Sometimes, I wish I could go back in time - the time when she saw a different side to me and appreciated me a whole lot more as a friend, as opposed to now, where the friendship isn't running as smooth and she rarely ever compliments me or makes me feel needed.


Also, in terms of the context in which she made the statement about me not being academically inclined in school - Before she said that, I made a statement that I cannot take people seriously if they've done maths lower grade, as opposed to maths higher grade (because you cannot get into college for most degrees with maths lower grade, and it also severely limits your options). She argued that had our school given us a choice between the two, that I'd have chosen lower grade because I was not academically inclined and she said she doesn't remember me even being concerned about getting into university (when in fact, I was *really* concerned at the time).


Do you think in light of what I said, was what she said to me warranted?

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