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haunted by ghosts?

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I was wondering if anyone got haunted by ghosts or saw ghosts around before.


I personally never actually saw a ghost and I was spectical until people keep telling me things happen to my boyfriend... so now I'm undecided if they exist or not.



Do anyone deal with ghosts on a daily basis?


hmm... a few funny stories that happened to my boyfriend. He used to work on a haunted ship that I always go on for fun, and he took me to visit that ship once... and told me all the things he saw and experience on that ship. Well... let's just say, in one of the stories he was preparing the theater for incoming customers, but the line already started outside and he's not finished yet. He hears footsteps outside, so he shouts out, "Close the doors for me first, I'll finish up in a minute!" After he's done, he climbs out from under the stage, went to the doors and found all 4 locked from the inside. He thought his friends played a prank on him so he opened all the doors and laughed, "How did you lock all the doors from the inside? You almost scared me, that was pretty neat," except his friend looked back at him in horror, "I was busy lining people up and you just closed the doors. I didn't do anything."


Well, that's one of the many stories his friends also confirmed. He also worked in a museum before and the top floor's supposely haunted. I went there multiple times and never had anything happen to me, but he hears footsteps randomly, and the first couple of weeks he was there he made a comment about working there is one of the most boring jobs out there, and the door randomly swinged on him and almost hit him hard. =X He never made another comment about working there again. A lot of people say the old professor there never left... I guess I'm just the lucky ones that never have to deal with those stuff.

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I'm not sure I would neccessarily believe they exist even if I saw one, which I haven't (yet). If I just saw one myself, I would probably put it down to my imagination. What I cannot explain is an incident which a good friend told me about once. Apparently he and his wife were in bed and they both saw a ghostly figure walk into the room and sit down on the end of their bed. If I didn't know my friend any better, I could just say he was lying. The problem is he does not have a lying or exagerrating bone in his body and has never ever lied in the 14 years I have known him. So if he saw it - he definitely saw it. The fact that two people saw it together, however, puts that incident in the seriously creepy category.


Are mass illusions and hallucinations like this possible? I don't know. So the jury is out for me on this subject.


I also know of an incident where a father whose mother had recently passed away was approached by his daughter. His daughter turned into his mother as she was approaching him. Again the source of that story is 100% reliable - zero chance it was a fib - it truly happened - at the very least in the mind - of the person who experienced it. Perhaps, however, that is more likely explained as the brain playing tricks.


I have heard other stories too, however these are the only two I have ever heard in my not so short life where I could guarantee the truthfulness of the stories - at least to the minds of the witnesses involved.

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Wow, what an intersting topic!


I personally believe their are spirits who didn't make the crossover into heaven or hell, or whatever lies inbetween awaiting us. I'm a devout Catholic, so i wouldn't say i know why, and what they are, but i believe


Their are too many haunting stories to be one great myth, like man landing on the moon (don't get me started, i have a hunch OK?)


Anyway, there are some really good shows about stuff like this. One of them is on a kid's TV channel where im from, i dont know why, it scares the s#*@ out of me lol.

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Yeah, I normally just pass those off, but bf doesn't joke around.. he's just not someone who says things and don't mean them.


When we visited his ships he'd always remind me, "Here we have to walk fast because I don't want to stay down here for long," and when he took me to the museum because he had to finish up cleaning a few dino bones he always told me, "There's just you and me here. If you hear people talking to you or hear people walking around, don't panick and just come find me okay?"


So yeah, I know he was dead serious when he told me those stories... and the horror on his friends' and co-workers' faces...

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Yeah, I normally just pass those off, but bf doesn't joke around.. he's just not someone who says things and don't mean them.


When we visited his ships he'd always remind me, "Here we have to walk fast because I don't want to stay down here for long," and when he took me to the museum because he had to finish up cleaning a few dino bones he always told me, "There's just you and me here. If you hear people talking to you or hear people walking around, don't panick and just come find me okay?"


So yeah, I know he was dead serious when he told me those stories... and the horror on his friends' and co-workers' faces...


Tea! you're a gal????

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I would say that I do believe in ghosts. I haven't seen one though.


My friends Mum said that she saw her grandfathers ghost when she was 19yrs. She was on the toilet and he appeared from the bathroom. She said he wasn't there long but when he disappered she miscarried. If it was a sign or just happened at that time I don't know.


But then again it's just like saying we're here on earth so there is sure to be something else out there.



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Actually I have seen a ghost, only once....but it was enough. I live in a very old oil boom town. Most of the houses here are about a hundred years old or older. (which is actually pretty neat, I love old victorian homes) Well one night I was out on a stroll with my cousin when I saw something run accross the street. It had the shape of a man...it was 3d, it had defined feet and hands that were running and a head...however it had no middle. It kind of resembled a large shadow to be honost. I tried to convince myself that,that was what it was. However, there were a couple of problems with my hypothesis, a. there were no cars or moving lights to create a moving shadow, b. shadows aren't usually three dimensional..there usually has to be some sort of surface for it to reflect upon. So, I went to my next hypothesis...I was going crazy. I looked at my cousin and tenetavley asked him if he had seen anything..ahem...different. He saw it too! He described the same exact shadow, but he didn't want to tell me because he thought I would call him crazy!

Now if you really want to discuss creapy happenings you talk to my best friend. She is like that kid on the sixth sense...she just sees...well...dead people.(and she hates it) I tell you if you don't believe in ghosts, spend a few days with her...weird things happen all over the place, it's...creepy. She's lucky I love her like a sister or I would avoid her all together. One time she was at my house and I was taking a picture of my daughter, a very strange figure appeared on the photo...it looked like a combination of smoke and light..only thing is that I wasn't smoking, there was no light source and the flash wasn't on...Infact the windows had the curtains drawn and I'm on the third floor so it couldn't be a car's headlights (not to mention it was during the day. If I can figure out how to attatch it I will show it to you.


...o.k. I can't figure it out....does anyone know how??

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Though I've never physically "seen" a ghost. I have felt the prescence of certain spirits.( A couple people I knew in life who died prematurely) I think in order to have this kind of experience, the person has to really want to feel that spirit and the spirit needs to have a strong desire to communicate a message to that person.

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