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Good friend just got engaged...why am I sad?!?

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Ok, one of my best friends just proposed to his girlfriend yesterday. He told me and a few of our friends the night before, we were the first people to know he was going to besides his parents and her parents. They have dated since he was a Freshman and she was a senior, (that was four years ago) but it was off and on. He made out with other girls and stuff during this time, but thats about all. I don't really like the girl too much, because she always seemed to look down on us and our friends a bit since she was so much older in highschool. But she hasn't really been mean or anything like that.


But I'm really happy for him, because I know he is excited and they have been together so long, but I'm also sad! I don't really know why, I mean I have an awesome boyfriend who I love, and I don't want to get married so I'm not really envious of that, but I'm still a little sad about it?! Why?

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My best friend started seeing this girl and that made me sad...but whatever you do do not let him shut you out of his life. My best friend no longer speaks to me and is always there for someone else other then me. Not to sound needy but I first thought when we werent seeing much of eachother that it was because he was spending more time with his friends until he kept saying I have to hangout with my gf this weekend. It hurts but love your best friend no matter what...he will love you back in the end.

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That's the thing with best friends, at some point we'll become second in their life instead of the first. My boyfriend's slowly taking my best friend's place and becoming my best friend. i feel sorry for my best friend and I always make sure he still feels like we're very close friends...


I think that sadness comes whether or not your best friend is of the opposite gender. Sometimes it just kind of sucks to see someone who used to be so close to you drift away a little. Maybe that's why parents generally have a hard time dealing with their kids' relationships.


Maybe it could be because although you don't want to get married yet you still envy that your best friend is able to make that kind of commitment will you can't just yet.


We just have to remember that if we're best friends with our .. eh, best friend.. eh.. ^^: even if we only talk to them every couple of days or once a week, we know when we're in trouble and our SO can't get to us, there's always the best friend to fall back on.

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Same way with me too (about becoming 2nd best in your best friend's life). One of my best friends just got a boy friend. An actual serious boy friend. (I used to rib her all the time on how she would only date a guy for 2 weeks) So now I've slowly become 2nd best. Even the other day, I was on AIM the same time as her, and whenever I'd ask her a question or try to talk to her, it'd take her 5-even 20 minutes to respond. I actually took a short nap in the time it took her to respond. Apparantely she was talking to her boyfriend the entire time. So the day after that I IMed her and asked if she was actually going to talk this time, and she said yea, until my boyfriend gets on. I was kinda ticked. I mean, not only do we live in separate states (I moved not long ago), but I'm losing my 3 other best friends too because of the distance. It really sucks.

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