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A positive mindset


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I would like some sound advice for positive thinking. Right now I'm at a point in my life where I am not too satisfied with how it's going. My job has become a burden and leads to a lot of my daily stress, like I'm really beginning to hate it. I'm not too interested in the school I attend, I just don't see much in common with a predominantly Caucasian prep population . I only enrolled b/c it is a well accredited school. And lastly I recently ended all ties with my ex for good and I'm very ready to move forward past that chapter in my life. Unfortunately I just feel like this hustle&grind period of my life is getting unbearable. I'm ready for results . And because of this , I'm not really open minded to anythin that probably could help. I have a habit of choosing to wallow in misery bc it's hard to take away any good from bad situations, but I want to change this habit and be a lot happier . I know I am blessed and fortunate to live the life I live but it's hard to appreciate that when you're not where you want to be in life .

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Hi giraffeprint. I know how you are feeling, I sometimes think the feelings you have expressed are constitutional...in other words, you were just born that way. You can either nourish that or fight it. As long as you don't get into some deep depression that doesn't allow you to function. All I can tell you is things do get better. You can hustle it getting better by trying to change your situation. Maybe you should quit school if you're not interested, its a waste of time and money. You will find a better school and interest in time. I don't know how old you are but I am thinking you have time. Find another job if that's possible. Don't quit and look, look first. (it is too hard right now in this economy). But you say you want results. Step 1...WHAT DO YOU WANT? What do you have to do to get there? Believe me, sometimes the journey is better than the destination. And this I have found to be true: "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans". I have "fallen" into the best situations of my life and the plans go by the wayside. I guess I am just rambling here, because I have just gone through a devastating break up (after nine years). I am an older person (58). My father always told me, Everything Happens for the Best. And the second thing I want to say about results is, there are never any final results. You keep growing, learning all your life. You may change your path several times. I wish you the best.

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Everyone who has got to where the want to be in life has had to hustle and grind (those who inherit insane wealth are the exception, but someone hustle and grinded to make that inheritance)


You have to build a blueprint, not just an idea, an actual plan. Write it down. Know it. Memorize it. Make very precise plans on how you will get to it, and stick to it.


Focusing on what you don't have only brings more of not having.

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Work on gratitude, OP! Start every day with a list of the top three things you are looking forward to that day. End each night with a list of the top three things you are grateful for that happened today. Sometimes they are big obvious things like a promotion or raise, a good grade, a compliment. Other days they are simpler... looking forward to a car ride where I can jam out to my favorite CD. Looking forward to the way my dog will look at me when I get home from work and running around in the yard with her. The feeling of laying my head down on the pillow, knowing that I've crossed off everything on my to-do list. An exciting conversation I had with someone new, or an opportunity to touch base with an old friend. You can't just write it down as a formality. You have to actually live it and breathe life into it. Like use your heart instead of your head. And then psych yourself up over the little things you are grateful for and looking forward to, like get excited the way you would be about the big things... the way you would about going to your high school prom, waking up on Christmas morning, being a kid in elementary school with a birthday party or a field trip that day, a second date with someone you had an amazing time with, etc. You will undoubtedly start attracting positive things by having a positive mindset!

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