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The one I love is hurting


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My boyfriend confided in me recently that he is suicidal. I moved to his area from out of state and my family members that I've been living with have decided to send me back to my hometown, so I won't be able to see him very much, but we've decided to continue our relationship despite the long distance. I'm really worried about him though because he says that thinking about me not being here makes him really depressed and I'm afraid that he might try to commit suicide while I'm away. I don't think there's anyone in his life that I can talk to about it that would stay cool about it and watch over him to make sure he's content and I don't know what to do other than reassure him that I'll stay faithful and talk to him everyday. Thinking about it brings me to tears, I'm just so scared for him.

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Could you ask him to seek help from his doctor? Or a counsellor?


Or even get him a helpline number to ring if he's ever feeling down.


It's not fair to have it all on your shoulders. His life is not your responsibility. You love him and want the best for him...all you can do is tell him to get help and the rest is up to him really.


Can you not tell his parents or someone close to him? No one would help?

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Try being a friend to her.

Maybe that's all she really really needs.

Just because you aren't dating her, doesn't mean you two can't still care about each other.

it's the same with my ex.

Him and I have been apart for a year and he still cares about me even if I f***ing hate him.

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Could you ask him to seek help from his doctor? Or a counsellor?


Or even get him a helpline number to ring if he's ever feeling down.


It's not fair to have it all on your shoulders. His life is not your responsibility. You love him and want the best for him...all you can do is tell him to get help and the rest is up to him really.


Can you not tell his parents or someone close to him? No one would help?


I don't want to go to someone he knows for help because I'm afraid their reaction might make him more likely to go through with it. I could ask him to see a counselor but I don't think he would. I'll at least ask him to consider it but the problem with seeing a professional is the toll it'll take on him financially. He wants to be able to buy a mobile home and travel the continent with me and we need a lot of money to do that, I feel like once we get to that point I wont have to worry about him feeling this way anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a message today from someone who keeps in contact with my boyfriend and I telling me that he was in the hospital for attempting suicide. I asked her if she knew what hospital he was at and she told me that he had his phone with him. So I called his phone and he told me he was leaving the hospital and asked me not to tell anyone that he had attempted suicide. I told him that I thought he should stay there and get help but he didn't want to be at the hospital so he left anyway against medical advice. I'm scared that I'm going to lose him soon.

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Make sure he knows that you are there to listen and help. I know as an 18 year old who feels suicidal everyday that all I want is to be able to talk to someone my age who understands and loves me.


If he won't open up or you feel that it won't be enough, you need to get him help, even if he doesn't want you to. His lack of money and his dream to travel will mean nothing if he does the deed.

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