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Too move on or not to move on, that is the question?

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Hi all:


So I was in a 2 year relationship and the guy I was dating was madly in love with me for the first year and a half, but I didn't treat him the way I should have. See I have this whole trust issue when it comes to guys and when they do something that I disagree with, I am very irrational. For instance, when my boyfriend would do something that pissed me off, I would break up with him everytime. The thing is, I am a big puss and after I break up, I always come running back. So my ex and I probably broke up at least 100 times (not really), which probably wasn't the best thing for our realtionship.


To break it down quickly, after we broke up for good I found out that the previous times we "broke up" he had kissed other girls. Which I know I shouldn't be mad about, but it hurts to know that he would just go off and kiss someone the same day we break up.


Also, the last month of our relationship we didn't talk too much but were still "officially" together. I found out that he was dating this other girl, which he is no longer dating now.


The thing is, he is moving about an hour away for an internship and after all the drama that happened in our relationship, I still love him. My biggest problem is letting someone go, I always come running back, and I hate being "that girl"


I wish I could be strong and just forget about him, but there is so much history. I know that he still cares, but I also know that he knows I can't just drop him out of my life.


I have been working out after work and I have lost 14 pounds, to try to keep my mind clear and to stop thinking about him. I feel like we will be together in time, but I know I should just try and move on with my life.... but I don't want to lose him.


So I guess my question is, should I move on and try to forget about him or should I pursue him and let him know that I still care?

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I am going through the same thing....at the end of the day


Just think is this guy REALLY MARVELLOUS as you may seem to think...maybe he isnt all that what u think when u in love u put all the bad things aside and focus on the good things..give it time...i am doing the same thing even though i feel like dying inside sometime..i gave up my pride so many times for love but how much more i will not do that forever...i broke up then went back to him...but nothing was the same as before...i am still hurt and sad...good luck

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See I would totally give up on it but he keeps calling and trying to plan times for us to hang out. I can tell you that he is not the player type at all, I think that he is just confused and wants time to see if anything is out there.... but I don't want to lose him!!!! Do I keep returning his phone calls or do I just give up, not answer and ignore him?

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  • 2 months later...

if u love him dont give up trust me i did and it is slowly working out for me we live far apart now but he know tells me that he loves me and wants me back and is considering moving to be with me i once asked him what made him realize he wanted me back he said he got out there but everytime he was with a new girl he keept comparing us, basically once hed lost me and i moved away he realized how much he wanted me back.


try just to be friends for now but let him know u care being carful not to push. for some reason they always want what they cant have but be carfull not to make him think he can run back and forward to u as he pleases hopefully in time hell realize he wants u make him come runing back

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