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i wasnt quite sure where to place this post............but i dont know what to do....


I dated a guy for a year. He broke up with me two months ago becuase he said he didnt know what he wanted and didnt want a long term relationship. What we had was good. He said he was young(hes 20) and he is just not ready. So i let him go. i have been doing NC for quite some time now. occationaly i would hear from him, i acutally ran into him when i was out on a date with another guy which was an odd situation. i totally love him and miss him like crazy



Today my sister told me that her bf told her my ex was arrested the other day at work. He had a party at his house and was drunk and got in a fight. The person he got in a fight with is pressing charges. Hes in the military and this can be very serious. The cops came and got him at work and everything. I wasnt suppose to know but my sister told me anyways, i guess her bf didnt want me to get upset.


When him and i dated he never had parties at his house, he would get in fights but it was always about stupid stuff probably this was too and i would tell him that one day hes gonna mess with the wrong person.


i am very worried about him but there is nothing i can do, and i am not about to call him up and get in his buiness because it is not my place, i am not his gf anymore.


I guess deep down i think this is what he needed. He wanted to do the whole party thing and see what was out there and heres what happens to him. This really was the last thing i thought i had to worry about. i really dont want to get into it cause i have my own life goin pretty good


I guess now he has the time to sort his life out..............i just cant believe this happened......................and i cant do anything

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wow sounds like a guy i dated breifly ...weird..yea sometimes ppl need these ''rude awakenings'' it puts their lives into perspective, and they can learn alot from it and move on...hopefully taking their lives into a better direction. even tho you still love him its prolly best for you to move on... if there is more to it ..he will come back to you..GOOD LUCK ..hope i was helpful

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I know how you feel this has happened to me. Well your exact siutation but finded things out about your ex and getting those butterfly like feelings about it. All those feelings come rushing over you. Your best bet is to stay out of his life. The reason I say this is because if you do call him it might be a bad situation for him and he may look at you as a shoulder to lean on and that could end up into things happening. He is a big boy and he will make mistakes but you are right you have your won life to worry about. Good Luck



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