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Why do I feel like all our neighbours are out to get us


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Having abit of a nightmare at the moment, me and my girlfriend want to live together but seem to be having all things thrown against us. She has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition last year meaning within the next 5. To 10 years she will be wheelchair bound she is already unsteady walking 1st problem we had is her neighbour, she is a problematic woman who nobody will speak to in the area my girlfriend had a fall out with her and we believe she reported us for benefit fraud we were called into the job centre and was told that we were reported as we were living together and my gf does not have a disability and therefore should not be claiming disability money it was noted down that she does alot of dog walking but failed to mention it was an assistant dog, also it was mentioned that she does horse riding, failing to mention it was riding for the disabled. we don't live together we have separate houses, I only spend maybe a couple of nights a week at hers anyway, we managed to clear this up with them and they were fine about it, this was about 6 months ago anyway we've just had another letter through the post saying we've got to go back in for the same thing again. I'm a 100 percent sure its the woman next door to my gf who keeps reporting us because she is the only one who'd have all this information and shes done things like this to many other people sometimes trying to get money out of people,i can think of a few court cases and the Jeremy Kyle show she was on, when my gf first moved there they were quite friendly for a while until this women turned nasty that's how she's got some information on us but she twists the truth.


My other problem is we want to live together and im currently trying to sell my house witch is becoming a nightmare as People are not buying and have very little if no equity in my property and forced to sell lower than I would like too but no just not getting any intrest if I can't get any money back from it means we cannot afford to buy another house to make it even harder to sell Ive Just had some new neighbours in next door and yes they are really noisy, music on all day until late at night, ive been around twice to see them now but still play music all hours so I tend to stay out of the living room having to live in my bedroom now. Hell


We are going to try to live in her house for a while if I can get rid of mine but its really quite a tiny place and could do with getting away from the crook next door.


Feel like I've come to the end of the road abit and about to break down.

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