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Emotionality of the internet

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How engaging can the internet be in terms of emotional engagement fulfillment. I find creating making art or music to be a deep experience. But i find the internet to feel like an emotionally depraved enviorment. And theres no doubt it is an enviorment(dont wanna spell check that right now). I fully engage while spending time look at my computer screen. I open and close windows, watch bright colors move around, read text that is interesting, look at images of people, sexually and other ways too. I do close my laptop with a sense of having left the room i was in. Like a going to see a movie leaves the sidewalk and people outside...outside. But i dunno its just feels engaging but a lack of depth. If in the future we create cyborgs or robots realistic enough to have relationships and sex with it might feel like that lacking.....just something isnt there. Theres not the warmth of the sun and the real flesh of someones cheek sitting accross from me. And i can even leave the real world when i am in it.....in my thoughts. But still the times i am really alive.....not on a phone , computer, tv, headphones, just naked or clothed with another person....or with nature ....it can go deep and warm.....and be energetic and soothing.......I feel like my internet use is more like watching tv....i can do it for hours but it only does so much. Like eating bad food.....technically it is tricking my brain into believing it is being fed and fulll.....but really they are empty calories and i will be unhealthy as a result of it.


I have trouble stopping something i like and i like thing like being on the internet...but am i doing a good thing......how do you know if something is good or bad for you?


Many times i wanna go back to how i lived for 6 months in San Francisco.....no smart phone, no computer, not an ipod on my all the time. Hmmmmm....


What do you guys think about pornography and how do you know if watching is a good or bad thing.....

I guess i can say that my viewing it supports the industry and do i think its a morally good business....does it cause the actors or viewers harm


As far as morals i can always draw a line with is it hurting or harming someone, some being, animal, or the earth.....just hurt or harm in general.....something that causing negativity is bad and should be avoiding.........sometimes something hurting can be good....like if you get bit by a wild animal you will learn to stay back from it.....so thats a good harm


I dunno lately my inner compass has been just sort of floating....no really in much judgement......any response is much appreciated....THANK YU

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