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EX boyfriend e-mail..........

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Ok its been 3 months since our break up and we agreed to stay friends, but recently he e-mailed me out of the blue....He hasnt called since and now he just e-mails me...I'm very confused, his e-mail asked how i was, how i was doing and whether or not I was seeing anyone lately...should I respond? If I respond will he take it more than a friendly e-mail? I'm really confussd on what this could mean...i'm not sure if its an attempt to get back with me and see if i'm still avaliable or just a friendly e-mail. And if I dont respond to his e-mail does that make me a bad person.....I need some advice...Thanks

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Well you did say that when you broke up, you agreed to stay friends. However, you said he just recently emailed you out of no where, which sounds to me like you didn't keep in touch after the breakup. I'm guessing you didn't stay friends then.


My guess is that this is just a friendly email. He's only asking about your life now. If he was saying that he missed you, or that he thought about you a lot, then I would think he was wanting to maybe get back with you, but just asking about how your doing doesn't really mean that he wants you back.


If you do reply, just answer what he's asking, it won't make you seem like you want him back. You can even ask him how he's doing. Your only responding to what he said first.


If you don't respond back, then that won't make you a bad person. Maybe you aren't ready to have a friendship with him yet. To me it seems like he only wants to know whats going on in your life.

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It means that he is checking up on you. ie he wants to find out whether you are dying without him or how well you are coping without him. He is curious about you. If he finds out that you are a mess without him he will probably be happy because this will confirm his decision to dump you.


He hasnt phoned you directly because he cant commit to that level of communication just yet. He doesnt want to get himself into anything that he cant get out of.


Best thing you can do?


Id say, answer, but not straight away and then something short and upbeat. Dont answer his requests about your love life. It isnt his business anymore. Let him worry about it if he hasd any feelings for you left.

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Yep that bugs me too. He is very unsubtle.


If i were you i would say something that would annoy him just cos he asked something so rude.


Something like, "im really enjoying -----------(insert exciting new hobby eg hangliding). Having the time of my life. Hope you are having fun too. See you.xxx"

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It really bugs me how just about the first thing said is "Are you seeing anyone???"



Yeah thats what really got to me too cuz I wasnt sure what he ment by that...I kind of took it as an insult like I would automatically go out and replace him or like i'm supposed to be dating all the time or somthing...It sounded a little rude and kind of nosy to me like he wants to see if I can do better than him. But i'm kinda confussed on whether he ment it to be like that or he was just trying to make conversation.

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It really bugs me how just about the first thing said is "Are you seeing anyone???"



Yeah thats what really got to me too cuz I wasnt sure what he ment by that...I kind of took it as an insult like I would automatically go out and replace him or like i'm supposed to be dating all the time or somthing...It sounded a little rude and kind of nosy to me like he wants to see if I can do better than him. But i'm kinda confussed on whether he ment it to be like that or he was just trying to make conversation.


SOME guys think that they can just break our hearts and do whatever they want while not contacting us for weeks and then all of a sudden come back into our lives and then ask that... like they have any right to know and as if we would replace someone we loved so quickly...

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I really don't think he meant that in a rude way. Sometimes exes just like to check up on how your doing. As hard as it may seem, maybe he does really care if you are seeing someone new. People sometimes replace their exes faster than 3 months. I'm not saying you would, but some do. Maybe he wants to know if you are happy. I don't think you should be rude to him. If you want to know why he said that then ask. You might just be misunderstanding his email.

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