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So the girl I am seeing says she may have trouble with love. So how do you get someone who is wary of love to let loose and give love a chance? Is it just the little things that add up to cause it? Like an unexpected kiss.......or an unplanned trip to a special place.......a flower placed on her pillow....... is this how love starts and grows........

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I think love just takes time for some people. My advice would be to just hang out with her, make her laugh, do romantic things over a long period of time. Do not tell her that you love her immediately, that might scare her off. After time she will realize how important you are to her and then maybe she will realize that she is in love.

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I think that love starts and grows in time, and i dont thnk that you can do anything to make love happen for someone, love will grow over time, and when you are together you will know that you love someone, because of the little things you do together, e.g. have fun and you can both make each other laugh and you can talk about things that you would have never talked about with anyone else, but i suppose that little things could help her love grow if you try them, like the flower thing, i dont know one girl who doent like flowers, and litle surprises help to, like when you go out and she sees something she would love to buy, say something like "I wont bother buying it, it doesnt look like it is worth the money" and when she si not around, buy it for her and surprise her with it, this way she will know that you care about things she likes, i done it many times with my girlfriend, sadly we are not together anymore, but ive still got my fingers crossed about us though


I hope this helped and good luck with this girl!, keep us posted ok!

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well she already knows that she has a fairly good chunk of my heart and she is ok with it. The good thing is that we both don't date for fun... when we date, we go with someone who we see as a potential mate....... so for her to even want to go out with me says that she does have hopes that love could happen. She has just been hurt in the past, I am sure of......and I really don't think she has been with a guy like me........I like giving massages, I love kissing........I gave her flower the third night I saw her... white rose............and I just don't think she is used to these things. She does not think she is very affectionate......I am......and she is way more responsive to holding and kissing then what I am use to.....so I wonder if she is just not giving herself credit.... So maybe the problem is that the guys she has been with did not love her....... or were not caring enough for her. I think when it comes down to it... all women like to be caressed, and held.......kissed............ but she likes to think of her self as hard..... She said that she could give me half her heart, but she would have to keep the other half for herself.....because that way if I died, or dumped her.......she would be able to get over it...............it sounds like if I do get her whole heart she is afraid I will kick it around or something. We both have much respect for each other.......and that is one thing that is good........i mean alot of guys love their women but, they will cheat on them because they do not respect them........in some ways respect is more important then love........or maybe it is love............we have both made it clear that we will not cheat on each other,,,,,and that we would like to try for a long term thing...........I just want to make sure that I treat her better then she has ever been treated and I really hope she opens up to me in the end............ so I hope the little things I do chip away at the wall she has built around her feelings........

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