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Do guys think this is attractive?

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What kind of guys find this attractive?


I normally dress in a kind of punky way, i love wearing stuff that's different and mixing different kind of clothes together. And i really love cute clothes, like hoodies with kitty ears on or cute tank tops. I kinda combine punky stuff with pretty feminine stuff. Then i normally wear jeans, sometimes baggy, sometimes tighter with converse or vans... I think it looks cute (and i've got long straight dark brown hair, green eyes, slim, 5'4", 7.5 stone if that helps )


I was just wondering if guys like girls who dress cute? I don't have a boyfriend, i'm a little shy though, but most of the girls i see in college who are really fashion conscious and wear all designer clothes and stuff and wear tons of make up etc seem to get all the guys!

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believe me there are all kinds of guys out there that will like you for who your are and how you express yourself (through your clothes, attitude, and personality). You have plenty of things going for you right now that you may not even know about (like green eyes, I have friends that just go crazy when they meet a girl with green eyes). Your style is your style, and that doesn't change who you are or make you more or less attractive to guys. Yeah some guys may not like what you wear, or "label" you as something because of it, but that doesn't mean you should change, since you will meet a guy(s) that will adore you for those same things other people say they don't like.

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so far most people have said that it's not the clothes, it's the person. while i agree with this, i also know that when you're a single girl at a party, the guy accross the room isn't going to see your personality, he's going to see you, and thereforeeee the blothes you're wearing. ideally you want him to know your personality, so your clothes should reflect who you are on the inside. don't dress cause you think guys will like it. dress the way you want to and let the guy figure out that you're independent and not concerned with what other people think about how you dress. this can make him more interested.


that said, personally i love a cutely dress girl over "hot" ones any day. the kitty ears are a nice touch. make sure they go with your hair though: black ears would go best with your hair.

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I love it when a girl dresses like that. But just don't always where that. Maybe every now and then go for a nice skirt with a simple top etc. But overall i think going for the CUTE look over the vixen look is better...But I know that with me if i like a girl after a while what she is wearing does not matter much. Its how i feel when i am with her...

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Randy, excellently said - how you feel when you are with her... I dated a girl once who wear anything and just knock my socks off. Whether it was her Sunday best or her sunday afternoon worst... Anything she wore just showed me different sides of her personality, and absolutely took my breath away.... Sometimes sweats and a t-shirt can do more than the fanciest dress in the world!

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I agree that clothes do NOT make the person but clothes are the first thing we see when we see someone........ and if its a pair of tight blue jeans... i would the attention you would get would be different that if it were a baggy pair of sweatpants... LOL


So clothes are important i guess in attracting whatever you want to attract... but you wear what you are comfortable with.. just be aware to use the clothes to catch the kind of guys you want..... if you dress to trashyy you'll attract guys who wants a trashy girl.... sort of like a fishing analogy... the bait you use determines what you catch.. LOL

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I'd hafta say...


Im not punky, or gothic (your probably not that far of you'd say it) so i hafta admit, im not physically atracted. It seems people seem to get the people who dress the same. What im saying is...is you dress that way, dont be expecting the prepy, or Jock guy to ask you out. If you like dressing that way, you'll probably like the guys that dress simalar too!


Good LUck

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Jimbo makes a good point here... I don't think we're saying to dress preppy to get a preppy guy if you're not preppy... But, if you want a preppy guy, or there is some guy you are interested in that dresses differently than you, then you might want to invest in some clothes that you can wear that might help him see you in a little different light. I would never suggest replacing your whole wardrobe, no way...


The same girl I dated that I mentioned before also liked certain clothes on guys. I didn't mind trying out different things that she liked because she liked them. If I didn't like it, I'd tell her, and we'd move on - no biggie. Turns out, I ended up with a secondary style that I never realized I liked because I had never tried it...


If you can incorporate those same kinds of clothes into what you already wear, that might actually prove intriguing and he might show interest...

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I absolutely love a girl who seems like she doesnt have a care in the world when it comes to what she wears and what everyone thinks about her. Its number one on my list in search of a girl. The reason. I am the same exact way. I'll wear sweatpants or windpants whenever I want. I really dont care what anyone thinks. That is why it is so attractive to me. I love a girl in some overalls with her hair in a ponytail..............ummmmm. Not country bunkin style though. And no make up either. I want a girl who looks good when she wakes up in the morning....... Also, when a girl dresses down and looks good to me, when she actually does dress up for some special occasion, I am blown out of my socks. But I would never show it......



p.s. I dont know about the kitty ears though. Sometimes something can be too much. I wouldnt go for them, maybe someone else would. Wear what fits your personality.

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I think the better question would be, what clothes do you find unattractive on a girl? XD


I feel a bit weirded out now. Everyone prefers girls who wear baggy bum clothes?? Awww, and I like wearing pretty tops and nice bras and that -- makes me feel special.

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Ya i like when a girl is cute that is my especially favorite type of girl.Especially those cute shy girls i luv that in a girl so if u dress cute that is a definitely a one up for guys thta think like me.But dont usually worry what u wear cause guys should like u whether or not cept for wearing gothic clothes or outcast stuff might change the way people look at you.

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I think the better question would be, what clothes do you find unattractive on a girl? XD


I feel a bit weirded out now. Everyone prefers girls who wear baggy bum clothes?? Awww, and I like wearing pretty tops and nice bras and that -- makes me feel special.



Kitz, I don't think that it is a 'prefers' kind of thing... I think we're just saying that there are other things than just clothes that we're interested in... Cute tops, nice fitting pants... Definitely. And, I never said anything about BAGGY sweats! If done right, sweats do not have to be baggy, and they look very nice on some women... I think the important thing is that you feel comfortable (and attractive) in a variety of styles of clothing! Put your hair up and throw on some nice fitting sweats, or put your hair down and wear a nice top with pants or a skirt... Then again, a black t-shirt with black jeans and dark make-up can work wonders too... See? It's all about how you feel...


The original topics was whether or not something was attractive to guys. I can't speak for all guys, but for me, if you feel good about how you look (not conceited about it!), then that confidence shows through, no matter what you wear. And, THAT is what is attractive...

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I think doing whats good for you will work out best for you in the end- as if you do want a guy that badly, then you want him to want you for who you are, not what vogue tells you to be.

Also being yourself will surely inspire confidence, and that is one of the biggets turnons, just remember that arrogance is a turnoff though!

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disguisedpixie, got a question back at you. I do find punky and sometimes goth styles to be really attractive. I just feel intimdated because I like to wear just some jeans and snow board / rock band shirts, or a really nice button down shirt. It just feels weird trying to meet up with a punk style since im not dressed like them and I always see punk couples, never 1 punk'd out and one jock.

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Personally, I dig feminity. I love dressing up in cloths that lets me feel like a lady. I'll have days where I love wearing my sundresses/skirts, and other days, where I just like wearing my sandblasted jeans & cotton shirts. Other days where I like to wear my nice pin stripe pants, the office look, with a cute jacket. Nothing is wrong with wanting to dress up more like a lady. Plus, I'm petite, so I don't like wearing cloths that make me feel manly. I like the delicate feel, the sophisticated look. As long as my clothing is not overexposing my body, then it's all good! I'd rather take pride in taking care of myself, rather than going with the two extremes: either a raunchy looking girl, or an ultra conservative girl. I don't like the plain Jane look, and I don't like the trashy look either. I prefer styles that are somewhere in between, something: cute/simple/trendy. Nothing's wrong with that!


As long as I'm comfy, and my clothes look appropriate enough to be around kids/adults, then that's all that matters.


Girl, if you like dressing 'punk' style, then go for it. I've seen some cute punky looking girls. Look at Avril Lavigne. Every guy has his own taste. So, you'll most likely meet a guy who won't mind your taste in clothing. If someone were to pre-judge you, then don't give them a time of day. They're just a waste of time. Maybe they have some kind of insecurity issues amongst themselves that would cause them to judge others so harshly. Besides, of all of the skater/gothic/punk/retro people that I met, I always thought that they were cool, even if I didn't personally know them. Everyone has their own taste. There are no right or wrongs. Enjoy being comfortable with being you. That's all that matters!

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