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Dating, broke up, friends... Now what?


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So I met this girl and we dated for six months. In that time, we formed a great friendship, intimacy was awesome and just generally had a nice time together. She broke up with me saying that she didn't think I was ready for a serious relationship (I had come out of an LTR 18 months earlier). I agreed with her and we broke up amicably. That was four months ago. Since then, we have remained friends and we continue to do things together. She usually asks me to do things with her. I accept, we go out and have a fun time, as friends. My problem is that I'd like to be more than friends with her. I think she wants the same but am not sure. Could she just be holding on to me, waiting for when I'm ready? Waiting for me to make a move? Or should I just keep things as friends?

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