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Okay I've been here posting for the past few weeks about my g/f and me going on a "break", trying to be friends, breaking up, and then trying to work things out. During that time I received all kinds of advice, and spent many nights reading different threads about things I should/shouldn't do during this time. For the most part I was told to go into NC, and back off. When I did try this for a few days, all it seemed to do was push each of us further away from each other. So after a while of not being able to handle it, I called her to talk, which was a really nice conversation. The next day she called me, and we spoke for a while again. The day after that we went out and during that time we both knew that our love was right, and that we didn't need anymore time apart to know that we want to be together. Today we spent most of the evening together, just sitting by the fireplace talking and reading the Bible together. All though yesterday we talked about getting back together, today we confirmed it and we had a great night of just sitting back and talking with each other, about what we learned during these past 3 weeks, how meeting new people only made us want to be with each other more, and how praying really helped both of us "find" each other again.


So all I'm saying is that if your love is really true, and you feel that in your heart you know things are right, then try to keep that "bridge" of communication open between the two of you. For us NC didn't make things better, just made things more fustrating and confusing for the both of us. But keeping some contact made things between us more understandable, even though sometimes all the calls would feel a bit confusing. As I said to most people, you just need to follow your heart, and if you have faith in God then you need to accept that God will lead you to happiness. My heart, and God, lead me back to her, and lead her back to me, and things between us are now stronger and better than they were before.

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i agree we stayed in contact, everyday we were able to comfort each other when we were having bad days and the first person i told good news too, i think it shows that you still care about the other person and love them


n/c is not always the best way to go.... do what you think would be good for your relationship and yourself xxx

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i agree with you switch187, I think communication is probably one of the most important things in a relationship and probabably the hardest also. I know everybody has different reasons for doing NC but i don't see how you can resolve anthing that way without talking.


Agreed. I just wish I could get my ex to see that. Instead she runs away from all her problems and now she doesn't understand why she is so unhappy in life. She asked why I was willing to help her when she had hurt me so bad and all I could say was, "Cause I love you and want to see you happy." I know I need NC right now. I feel horrible as it stands. However, talking to her makes me feel good for that short time we talk.


Congrats on getting back together. I wish you luck on your second chance.

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