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Problem with a kid and my girlfriend...

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My girlfriend came up to me yesterday and she told me some kid had been grabbing her from behind (around the waste) and inviting her to sit on his lap and stuff and that it was making her really uncomfortable. This obviously bugged the hell out of me and I immediately went and talked to the kid about it and he said he'll stop. My girlfriends not confrontational at all and is afraid to tell him to stop. Now after I talked to him about it and him saying he'd stop she told me he did it again today. I'm sure anyones first reaction would be to beat the crap out of this kid, and that is exactly what i normally would do, except the kid is very very small and I'm not. I goto the gym 4 times a week and am fairly strong for my size. This kid is some creepy little kid about a foot smaller than me and quite skinny. I could break him in two quite easily. I'm not a violent kid and I never start fights for no reason (i've only been in one in my life). I was wondering what people would do in my situation. Do you think I should just kick the crap out of him anyways I mean the kid is groping my girlfriend.... Theres not much worse than that.

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you've got to be kidding me... she's insanely shy. I'm not asking what she can do because its not her personality to do that. I'm asking what I should do. The kid won't stop and he knows she doesnt want him to, but theres no honor in beating up a kid half my size.

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embarrass him instead of kicking his rear.


Both are humiliating, but one embarrassing him does not make you look like a jerk for picking on a squirt.


If that squirt keeps disrespecting him and his gf, he needs to have some shoved up his ass.


And you would look like a coward if you don't... pick one

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ok, she may be shy but she can still say "stop," come on! He's doing it because he knows he can and she wont say anything! She doesnt have to be confrontational, just say stop... its not like he will start a fight! Even if she's insanely shy she needs to be able to tell a guy to stop touching her if she wants him to stop...

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ok, you go up to that kid and you say this is your last chance man if you touch my girl one more time i'm going to beat the $%$# out of you


like basically if he does it again after you say that, i say you earned the right to beat him up cuz if you give him 2 chances and he still does it that kid just dosn't learn so you have to teach him the hard way

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tell her to stand up for herself if she can. also tell the kid that if he doesn't stop, you're going to beat his pathetic face. i can't stand people like this so i fully condone the use of violence, even against a stupid little pervert who thinks he can get away with this kind of crap.


who cares if he's small? he deserves punishment, and this is probably the only way he's going to learn. just don't get in trouble.

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Even though you want to help your girlfriend, I really think that you should get her to tell him herself and say that she doesn't like his behaviour.

Even though you could easilly beat him up, in the long run it would be better for her if she just learnt how to say stop. Then you would have all right to give him a shove or two (Although violence is never the answer ) becasue both you and most importantly, your girl has told him to stop.

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Its a tough situation when the kid is too small to smack around. If it is not a a halfway fair fight then it is not worth fighting. Although he did disrespect you.


Here is what I have done in the past to people I really didn't want to get physical with. Wait by a bathroom, as soon as you see that kid go by...yolk him into the bathroom, slam him into wall by his throat and make yourself more clear. Do this with nobody around.



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you've got to be kidding me... she's insanely shy.


I'm sorry, but *you're* the one who's "got to be kidding"!! I don't care how "shy" she is, she MUST learn to stand up for herself. This is NOT a situation *you* need to take care of; as someone else said, he will just keep doing it because she's LETTING him do it! The fact that she doesn't want him to do it means NOTHING unless she VOICES her feelings to him!


If she's so shy that she can't even protest when a guy tries to make advances, she's going to find herself in BIG trouble one of these days and YOU won't be around to get her out of it! What he's doing could easily graduate to rape! She needs to tell him "NO" or "STOP" and she needs to SCREAM it if she has to! She has to let him know she means business or he WILL take things further.


I'm "insanely shy" myself; but, you can bet that when a guy starts messing around with me, I let him know (in NO uncertain terms) that his advances are NOT welcome.


BTW, I'm curious: How old is this "kid" anyway? You're not exactly an old man at 16, you know.

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he's 16 aswell and ya actually I thought about your advice and I told my girlfriend today that she can either tell him to stop or I was going to hurt the kid. She told him today and I think he understood, if not then theres no other option but for me to intervene i think.

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She told him today and I think he understood, if not then theres no other option but for me to intervene i think.


Yes, there is another option -- let HER continue to handle it. Even if he tries it again, SHE needs to be the one to make him stop. Like I said, I'm not talking about whispering the word "stop". I'm saying SCREAM it at the top of her lungs; and, if need be, hit the guy as hard as she possibly can. If nothing else, she'll attract so much attention that he'll let her go.


I know you think you're doing her a favor by being all macho and trying to protect her, but you really aren't. You need to stop focusing on *him* and what *he* needs, and start focusing on *her* and what *she* needs. If she doesn't know how to fight her own battles, then what will happen when you aren't around to help her? She should learn NOW so that she will be more able to defend herself if an even worse situation ever occcurs.

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