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Everything posted by EsKiMo

  1. he's 16 aswell and ya actually I thought about your advice and I told my girlfriend today that she can either tell him to stop or I was going to hurt the kid. She told him today and I think he understood, if not then theres no other option but for me to intervene i think.
  2. you've got to be kidding me... she's insanely shy. I'm not asking what she can do because its not her personality to do that. I'm asking what I should do. The kid won't stop and he knows she doesnt want him to, but theres no honor in beating up a kid half my size.
  3. My girlfriend came up to me yesterday and she told me some kid had been grabbing her from behind (around the waste) and inviting her to sit on his lap and stuff and that it was making her really uncomfortable. This obviously bugged the hell out of me and I immediately went and talked to the kid about it and he said he'll stop. My girlfriends not confrontational at all and is afraid to tell him to stop. Now after I talked to him about it and him saying he'd stop she told me he did it again today. I'm sure anyones first reaction would be to beat the crap out of this kid, and that is exactly what i normally would do, except the kid is very very small and I'm not. I goto the gym 4 times a week and am fairly strong for my size. This kid is some creepy little kid about a foot smaller than me and quite skinny. I could break him in two quite easily. I'm not a violent kid and I never start fights for no reason (i've only been in one in my life). I was wondering what people would do in my situation. Do you think I should just kick the crap out of him anyways I mean the kid is groping my girlfriend.... Theres not much worse than that.
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