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To be brief, the person is not even an ex. We did date a bit but he did not want to proceed. Things ended sourly. I accept it was my faults. It was in 2010, I was young, immature and clingy Our last contact (via email) was more than 1 year ago and was amicable.


We have dozens of mutual friends on facebook. Before that we were friends too. So I think enough time has passed and decide to send him a friend request last month (after being disconnected for 3 years, yes, 3 years).


He ignore the friend request. Strangely, he changed the settings to Public and now I can see his posts without being a FB friend. It would be a lie to say I didn't feel bothered by this. Really, this "social rejection" left me disappointed and stung in the heart.


So for the past month, I have been tempted many times to send him a FB message to say "hi" to break the ice and also to remind of the friend request. Luckily I have controlled myself well and didn't do anything that might mess this up further. It is obvious that he wants nothing to do with me now. So today I just silently cancelled the request.


I am writing this out to let off the feelings inside me. I hope you wont judge my actions (either the action of "send the friend request" or the action of "cancel the friend request"). Thank you for reading my post

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