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should i date him? no idea if he a player


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I added this guy (Vic) in my list (in a website where u can add friends' friends into your list) because i think he's cute in his pic. *for fun*

He added me in MSN. we started chatting a bit. Everything went friendly. The next time we chatted was even more exciting. It was like the perfect click between us. He gave me his cell number n told me i can msg him anytime, just when he had to go. In my mind i was like "haha u kidding me, as if im going to msg u". It's my nature to think if a guy is hot/cute, hes a player.

It was 3am n i cudnt sleep. it took me 45 minutes to decide i should msg him or not. at last, yup i msged him................. we msged each other til 4am +. He's just adorably sweetly hotly crazyily caring n perfect to talk wiv. He msged me when i woke up in the morning n msged till right now.

Thing is i read what his friend said about him... saying that he likes every girl he sees. and his personality changes around them. no idea isit true or not. because he told me hes loyal n told me the reasons why and all that made me believed him.

i would like 2 go 4 him.. cause its fun being with him specially if i get 2 b his gf. he's almost my dream guy. i just hate 2 think if hes a player or not. im scared i will get hurt.

Was thinking to just be his good friend. so i can observe his character n his personal stuff first... do u think i should do that? or just GO 4 HIM.

any idea to have a bigger clue if he's a player or not?

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You really can't tell a player just by looking at him. But if you pay attention to his habits, his friends, what he does on the weekends, how he speaks to you, etc, that will give you some kind of an indication what kind of person he most likely is.


I think you have the right idea, get to be his friend first and see where it goes from there.

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