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New To Bondage


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Alright, so I've been dating this fellow for quite some time. He lives a decent drive away, and comes to visit me every weekend, so I can really make an event out of this coming weekend, when we agreed to get a bit into bondage. All he knows is that I plan to tie him up--but I plan on adding things like a blindfold, chocolate sauce all over him for me to lick off, feeding him strawberries dipped in chocolate...

I'm not quite sure what to tie him up with, though. I was gonna just go and buy rope or something, but I'm broke as all HELL. Any ideas/tips? Any tips on the entire ordeal would be nice, as this will be my first experience a)with bondage and b)being completely in control.

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lol...depends on if you want PAIN or not! I think most people use softer items....like scarves...or even your 'ties' off your bathrobe. Ropes would leave a rope burn...


I'm not into bondage so i'm not much help. The only time i tried it...i was blindfolded and tied. Didn't care for it...i wanna do the touching and the licking.....lol

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