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I have been going out w/ this girl for almost 3 yrs now and her parents

and sister recently found out about us. Her parents are old school minded

in that dating shouldnt be done when they are in college and dont like the

dating scene at all. We both love each other a lot and I want this

relationship to last until marriage. When we got together we established

on having a long term relationship. Her sister acts more like a mother

then she should as a sister, she also said if anything happened to her

father she would be responsible because he has high blood pressure and

should avoid stress and she is the youngest from three sisters. She doesnt

know what to do now and said she needs time to think b/c she cant live

with the fact if anything happens to her father b/c of her. I think her

sister said that 2 make her feel guilty and not 2 talk 2 me anymore. Right

now we dont talk and I`m just giving her time 2 think on what she wants

b/c true love shouldn`t be finished like this. It should last. What should

i do and what can I Tell my loved one. We have been broken up for like 2 weeks and at 1st she she said she needed time on her own and i bothered her 3 days in a row b/c not seeing her hurt so much... then she got mad one day and said in a mad tone its over.... so i wrote a lil note and said im sorry and i will give u ur space and said dont say something out of anger u dont mean and just take ur time with this... and concluded by saying true love has obstacles in life but we can overcome them... some 1 help me out.. thanks

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it sounds like her family is extremely conservative and CONTROLLING. This is horribly unhealthy.


If she can not realize that they are holding her back from living her life and from being happy and finding true love then she is lost. Unfortunately, only an outside source other than you may make her see things in a different light. She is pretty much brainwashed as of right now.


Maybe you having no contact with her and stop following her may scare her into realizing "did I just lose the man of my life, what have i done??"


if she still doesnt come back to you after that, then I dont know what to tell you...


keep us posted.

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