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Is my ex hitting on me?


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The fact that I have to ask may seem so stupid but I want second opinions.


Backdrop: My ex is an engineer (as am I) and is very socially awkward and introverted. Also he is not a very assertive person. He is not a player or ladies man at all. I met him at a job I was working at and no longer work at and we were somewhat friends before we started dating. He blew hot and chased me and a lot. And then after dating for a while, blew very cold. I asked him several times what happened and he insisted that he "didn't know why." He had mentioned some of his other relationships in the past, and it seems he always gets distant. I finally broke up with him because I couldn't deal with the icy cold treatment and he kept trying to get me to be friends with him. A few months later he was contacting me a lot and I told him he needed to stop. (I don't understand if he was trying to get back together or what, in hindsight it looks like he might have.) I moved away temporarily for a job for a while during this time.


So fast forward to 6 more months later and I finally gave in and started talking to him again. We play online games together (words with friends) and he has been flirting with me lately. Telling me I need to be spanked and I don't get enough spankings and referring to a time when he spanked me too hard.


So a day later we have a conversation where he suddenly texts in the chat "So have you been behaving yourself out there? or you wearing yourself out?" I said, "Wear myself out doing what? I'm boring haha." He said, "Okay wearing your bed out?" I said "haha sleeping on it? You behaving yourself?" He said, "Always."


I can't tell for sure what he meant by the bed comment? Was he trying to ask if I'm seeing someone? Or did he mean because I said I'm boring that okay are you wearing your bed out as in being lazy? When you add the flirting before it, it makes it hard to tell.

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While I don't necessarily see it as a booty call, I think he's interested in knowing if you've been seeing someone. This could be leading on to something more - possibly booty call related, possibly if you are free to possibly see him. You've started talking again, perhaps he is slowly moving in that direction.

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He was asking u if you were having sex with other guys. That's ballsy. If I did that to my ex I would be ruined


That's why I typed all that background about him being an engineer and being socially awkward! One of my friends said he seems asperger like and he sometimes said blunt things to me. So it's very possible he meant it that way. And I agree...pretty ballsy way to ask.

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