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She broke up with me but keeps me on the line


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I dated this girl for 6 months. She broke up with me because she said I was not ready for a serious relationship. She also told me that she started seeing someone else. Well, when we broke up, I agree that I was not ready and I need to work things out in my life. Since then (been about 1 1/2 months since breakup), she has initiated contact with me. We text frequently, talk regularly and have been out together a few times (she initiates contact a lot more than me). We have not been intimate and it has more been like good friends. She is a social butterfly and has a lot of friends so its not like she needs another. I really do like this girl a lot but am not ready to go further into a relationship. I'm kind of confused in what to do or what may be going on.

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Hello Jeff,


I will tell you my ex and I dated that long, and we borked up, and he eventually started talking to me 5 months later. Luckily for me, I don't have feelings for my ex so it isn't stopping me from dating.


But if you feel like there is still a connection between your ex and yourself it may not be good to keep that little thing of hope. I understand you don't want a relationship, but I can tell you still want something out of it.


Just be careful, she may just be playing you and it hopes to making you feel vulnerable to hurt you, again.

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