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my ex contacted me AGAIN

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hi my ex phoned me yesterday, out of the blue to say i was watching a programme which we both used to watch which reminded me of you to which i replied oh and laughed he then said are you ok to which i replied yes are you he then said ok i will let you get back to your day speak soon bye


dont know what to make of it i know some will say why did you answer the call but i did not to be ignorent


any veiws

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I have no idea how to respond to any of these threads, pnoy...


You seem to have some serious elf-esteem issues as you allow somebody as destructive as your ex (to you and to himself, apparently) continue to be in your life...all because, as you say "life is too short".


Yes, indeed "life is short" so why are you putting yourself through all of this. Have you decided in the last 18 months that this is the person who makes you the happiest in your life? Or, that you see yourself as deserving nothing better?


To me, it appears, and from reading almost all of your posts during this duration on this forum...that you have a very low outlook on yourself and that you think you will never find ANYONE better than him. Both because of your age and some other things you've shared openly on this board.


Personally, I'd rather be alone and work on myself to improve the way I feel about myself than to put up with what he does to you.


How can any of us help you?...you don't seem to want to help yourself.


I have said this before....if you continue to allow him to be in your life....you can expect to be a long-time member of this forum.

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He could call for many reasons...

Because you let him, by answering his calls you are reinforcing his behaviour. He doesn't understand how much he hurt you or else he would leave you alone. His ego is so big he feels entitled to step into and out of your life whenever he likes. He genuinely thinks he is doing you a favour because he is such a great guy and you love to hear from him. He is bored. He hasn't found a new girl yet but you can be your last dollar that when he does he isn't going to be thinking of you AT ALL and will probably never going call you again, unless of course you let him (so begin the cycle again).

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