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Ok ive been going out with this girl for about a week. Suddenly she says she has to move for a month and that she doesnt want to have a long distance relationship. So she says lets quit going out for awhile. No one really dumped anyone. Do girls move away for one month and move back for nothing? Im getting suspicious. Days before she said her ex called her and said he wants her back. She made it very clear to me that she wouldnt dump me. We have been fine up until she says this. Last Tuesday on the phone. I cant talk to her friends cause theyll tell her. I cant talk to my gf because she might think i dont trust her. I cant talk to my friends cause theyll tell my gf. I read trust is the key thing to a good relationship. What should i do?

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She made it very clear to me that she wouldnt dump me.


And I'm sure that her intentions were pure, but remember silentone: at 15, nothing is written in stone. Well, nothing is ever written in stone, but as adults, promises are usually taken more seriously because there is much more involved.


Where would a 15 year old girl move for a month? Doesn't she have school?


I would let this go if I were you. Something sounds very bizarre here, and I think if you stick around waiting for her, you're going to be disappointed.

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