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Going to need all the support I can get please


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I was just thinking about my ex's and my anniversary last night. It's quite a ways away, but I know I'll remember it. I wonder if he will. I doubt it. So I feel you. I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's okay to mourn tomorrow-you can get through it with your head held high though. *hugs*

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I get you. My own anniversary is in two months and well, here we are. Sometimes the doubts we have regarding our exes can be overwhelming, because we'll be thinking "Will they remember too?" but in the end, you need to continue as you are, keep your dignity and march on. Better things will happen.

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I feel your pain. We broke up one month before our one year anniversary. Mine actually called me on our anniversary, and asked to come over. I said yes. He said he wanted to get back together, and I was happy. The next day, he changed his mind again. So, moral of the story, be careful if he comes back for a second chance on that anniversary day.

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