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New relationship / falling in love


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Hello everyone,


I will try to make this short even though it might be long anyways.... I am 25 years old and I have been going out with this girl for two months and now I really think I am falling in love with her.. The thing is, I think it is too fast and it is killing me right now because all I am thinking about is her and I only want to be with her. So much, that I already miss her just a few hours after spending 3 days at her place this weekend.


A bit of a background story about us... She is 29 years old, we work for the same company. She sent me a message on facebook (even though we weren't even friends) and told me she saw me a few times at work and she is one of my friend's colleagues, and she just had a good feeling and that she wanted to get to know me and asked me out to have a drink with her one day. I was shocked to read this because I am someone with very low confidence and self esteem and I remember seeing this girl once and I really thought she was insanely beautiful, so I didn't really understand how a girl like her would ask me out. Important point... Before meeting her, I never even had a girlfriend or kissed a girl before...I've always been a very shy guy and this has always been a big inferiority complex to me.



Anyways, I accepted her offer and we went to eat and have a drink at a restaurant. She knew I was shy when I started dating her, I mean, it was pretty obvious... However, she has done everything she could to make sure she did not scare me off and she has been extremely good to me. I always felt something in her eyes by the way she was looking at me and how she was acting with me that made me feel comfortable. After the fourth date, I finally had the balls to kiss her and I could see at that time that she was REALLY waiting for me to do it.


We've been going out with each other since that time and we really seem to connect very well with each other... She texts me every day just to let me know she is thinking about me, we miss each other very much when we are separated. She tells me all the time how she is extremely happy and lucky to be with me and we seem to have very strong feelings with each other. I have slept with her at least 10 times and every time, it is romantic and the emotions are extremely intense.


She already started making plans for a trip with me in Europe. I invited her to a trip I was going with friends this summer and she took her vacations at work to match mine. We are having a really hard time letting go of each other when it is time to go home after a date. Most of the time, I sleep at her place just to spend more time with her. She absolutely loves sleeping next to me and cuddle... I have met a few of her friends already and they are very nice and sweet. She hasn't met my friends yet but will soon. She sent me a request on facebook last month to confirm that I am in a relationship with her because she said that "she is so happy to be with me that she wants everybody to know"


When I think about this whole story, I think of it as a Hollywood movie... Seriously, even my friends say it and one of them even calls it "destiny". He knows every little detail about all of this which I won't write here because it would be way too long... Let's just say this story is hard to believe!



So here is my question now... After two months, is it possible to fall in love with someone? I think I am falling in love with her really bad, and I am having a hard time to keep my feelings inside... I wouldn't want to scare her off or freak her out, even though I think she probably feels the same way as I do but is also cautious. I feel weird today... Borderline sad, just because I know I won't see her for a few days.


What should I do now?


Thanks in advance.

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Lucky you. Tell her you love her if you haven't, she might be waiting to hear that just like the kiss. Also, stop worrying about how fast you think (everyone else thinks) the relationship is going and just go with the flow. You've slept with her ten times, yet are all worried about telling her that you love her. Get over it and tell her.


Enjoy all the mushiness, the hand holding, starry eyed, love-letter texting, the cuddling and snuggling. That's all a part of being in love.

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It is totally possible to be falling in love with her. That all sounds so wonderful. Are you nervous about what that love could bring? I know that I am always by best, controlled self when I am starting relationships.. and then when love is out there.. the real stuff surfaces. The tests come. I would go with your feeling, you are in love!! Its a wonderful thing!!

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It sounds like things are going great!


So here is my question now... After two months, is it possible to fall in love with someone?


I fell in love with my husband right away, and he with me, but we didn't say it for almost four months - I guess we wanted to be sure!


To introduce the subject of feelings, you could say that you've never met anyone like her before. If she says the same, you'll know how she feels and can say something like "I'd like to date exclusively. What are your thoughts?"


Things usually fall into place after that.


Good luck!

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Thanks for the advice, it is really appreciated... I am scared and nervous about telling her how I feel about her... I wouldn't want to scare her off after only two months... Yesterday, she was working so she dropped me off at the subway. We saw each other at the music concert that same night and I told her how much I had missed her already and I asked her if she thought it was crazy or weird and she said "awww not really, it actually makes me feel great"

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It sounds like things are going great!




I fell in love with my husband right away, and he with me, but we didn't say it for almost four months - I guess we wanted to be sure!


To introduce the subject of feelings, you could say that you've never met anyone like her before. If she says the same, you'll know how she feels and can say something like "I'd like to date exclusively. What are your thoughts?"


Things usually fall into place after that.


Good luck!




She told me already how much I am "different from the other guys" and how she is extremely lucky to be with me. She knows I feel the same way, I told her.


Our relationship is already official and we are dating exclusively.


I think it is just that "love" is a VERY big and important word for me... That is probably why I am so scared to tell her and scare her off..



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Lucky you. Tell her you love her if you haven't, she might be waiting to hear that just like the kiss. Also, stop worrying about how fast you think (everyone else thinks) the relationship is going and just go with the flow. You've slept with her ten times, yet are all worried about telling her that you love her. Get over it and tell her.


Enjoy all the mushiness, the hand holding, starry eyed, love-letter texting, the cuddling and snuggling. That's all a part of being in love.


I guess I want her to tell it first and make sure I don't scare her off, but again, she might be doing the same thing hahaha... She keeps saying "I like you", "I adore you", "I am so happy with you"... Do you think I am safe?

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You're safe. When a girl says she adores you, she might as well have used the word love. You're the man, say it first.


A few words of advice, from man to man. You sound like you've got a good girl, if you are afraid of scaring her off, you need to remember some things about being a man. Its your job to provide the security, girls love security. And providing it to her means to begin providing it to yourself. (can come back to this.) Don't be clingy, give her space when she needs it - but always available to her. Give her all the attention she wants, make her feel wanted, like she's the only girl on earth that matters. Treat your girlfriend like a lady, and don't worry about what others say about it either. I know guys can say ****ty things when you're opening doors, holding hands, giving her attention....they say things like (he's whipped, stuff like that) DISMISS THEM! That's part of being a man, giving security....


All the above behavior, do it in confidence, not clinginess. Making your girlfriend feel wanted is a very important job, probably the best advice I can give you.

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Thank you for your advice, it is very much appreciated. She keeps telling me how I am not like the other guys so my thought is that she was looking for a guy like me. I can tell from what she's told me. I do give her attention, make her feel wanted, treat her like a lady and pretty much everything you said and I can see she likes it.


She didn't use the word love yet.. Could it be because she afraid to scare ME off? Could it be because she does not "love" me yet? I guess I won't know before telling her...


I really do want to tell her, however, I am not too sure how and when is the right time to do it. Also, what will be her reaction and what should I do? Let's say she feels really touched by what I said but she does not answer back, what should I do? If she seems a bit scared off because I am going too fast, what should I tell her?


Thank you again my friend.

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Well, I was with this weekend and for some reason, I couldn't tell her... I guess I am really scared to death to say that big word first... We were sleeping and she told me "my love" once but that is all and I think she thinks I didn't hear her....


Any suggestions as to how I should tell her?



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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a few weeks already since i've been dying to tell her... For some reason, I couldn't... I guess I was too scared of her reaction... But Sunday evening, I told her...


We spent all day together, and we went to nordic baths/spas in the evening. It was so romantic, we spent lot's of time kissing and I whispered to her "I love you" in her ear. I then looked at her... I can't really tell what kind of reaction she had, she looked a bit surprised, extremely glad and a bit shocked at the same time. After about 2-3 seconds, she replied "me too" and then we kissed again. She then told me "I love you too". She told me two more times on our way back that she loves me too, probably to make sure I got it right haha.


Tonight, we've been texting each other a lot and we really miss each other just one day after not being together... She can't stop telling me how she is lucky to have me and that her life is so much better since I am part of it. This is just too great...


Her birthday is next Sunday and I am not quite sure what to offer her... Got any ideas?



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It's really hard to suggest something when we don't know your girlfriend! If she wears jewlery go with that. But again, I mean, you know your girlfriend so you would know what she would like way more than anyone on here.

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