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Dealing with people who flake out

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...or with people who are wishy washy.




I had a few really good dates with a girl. We planned lunch for last weekend but she had to cancel because she was sick. So then on Monday we planned on having dinner the Friday of the same week. She said that she would call if she ended up having to work.


On Wednesday I sent her a friendly e-mail (not about the date, just other stuff). She did not respond.


On Friday I called her before noon to setup the time/place for us to meet for dinner.


She did not return my call and I have not heard from her.



I started talking to a girl recently but we have not yet met. We setup plans to have breakfast on Saturday. She did not arrive and did not call.



As far as b goes, there isn't a whole lot I see to do since we haven't even met before. I'll just see if she calls.


But what about A? This one is frustrating because I don't like being treated that way. Should I just see if she calls? Part of me wants to find out what is going on, but I don't know how to do that. Maybe sending a simple text message?

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In both cases, I would just drop it. You already emailed her and tried to set up details with no answer.


Might be she met someone else, or just was not that interested and in both cases was too chicken to say anything.


It sucks and I have had similar happen to me, but you deserve better

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I'm sorry that happened to you. What is sounds like is, you just had a short run of real bad luck. Don't worry, it happens to all of us sometimes. And it's a statement about the other person, not you. What they did was rude and classless.


Many, many females are not like that - they were raised better.


I think people in general are getting sloppier than ever these days about keeping their word, keeping commitments, and being honest and truthful. It's a sad sign of our times, but I REFUSE to be one of them!

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I agree that these girls being flakes are a sign of the times. However, I also think girls are raised to be more submissive than boys so we are less likely to let a person know that we are interested or we don't like them because it might hurt their feelings. So there are several reasons why you didn't hear from these girls.


1) Maybe they weren't interested in you and couldn't let you know about it.


2) Maybe they just got busy and maybe person B forgot about your get-together. For rude! If and when she does call, tell her you're not interested.


3) Maybe they're flakes and do this all of the time.


4) Maybe person A started dating someone else.


Keep trying! We are not all like this.

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