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Confused :/.. Help please


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So if you have been following my post you know I have been dating this guy we have been on 7 dates, last night was the last one. We haven't had sex,hasn't slept over, and we never said we are officially dating...last night on our date it felt off, not that something bad happened just a feeling, I guess I'm right because this morning I didn't get a text until 2:00 saying happy easter, I wished him the same then an hour later he said happy easter.. I said you already said that he responds with no u did, now I'm an over thinker and I could be wrong but it sounds like that text was for someone else, we have spoken all day which is werid.... I don't know if I should throw in the towel or not text him anymore, I like him we have fun together but I don't want my feelings to get hurt, he told me he wasn't seeing anyone besides me but something isn't right. I'm thinking he isn't into me anymore but doesn't know how to say it... I don't know help please

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There is nothing really here to respond to. If you want something in particular from him, you should ask


There isn't really anything for me to ask, if someone was communicating with you on a regular basis and now today you don't really hear from him is that a red flag?

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There is nothing really here to respond to. If you want something in particular from him, you should ask


There isn't really anything for me to ask, if someone was communicating with you on a regular basis and now today you don't really hear from him is that a red flag?


I think the term "red flag" is abused here. He's not doing what you want him to do. You can either stop seeing him, accept what contact he gives you, or ask him to contact you more. Speculating with strangers is very passive on your part.

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I think the term "red flag" is abused here. He's not doing what you want him to do. You can either stop seeing him, accept what contact he gives you, or ask him to contact you more. Speculating with strangers is very passive on your part.


I only question it because he was communicating alot before ,And would I consider him a stranger if we hang out every weekend talk everyday.

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Just give him space and whatever you do dont chase him. Wait and see what happens, in a week if he is still being funny then just ask him.


I think your right, I haven't been texting him first but when I do it takes hours for a reply.. It's starting to turn me off

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