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Irregular sleep patterns

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Does anyone have any advice for overcoming inconsistent sleep?


Some nights I can sleep like a proverbial baby for eight consecutive hours. Other nights I can barely catch two or three, tossing and turning throughout the night trying to relax my mind and trying get into a comfortable position, with little success. I've tried reading before bedtime, watching TV before bedtime, doing some mental exercises before bedtime, not doing anything before bedtime, eating before bedtime, not eating before bedtime... none of this makes a whiff of difference as to how good of a night's rest I might have.


This has been going on for about a year. On days when I've had a crappy night beforehand I don't feel particularly tired, suggesting that my body has become conditioned to it. But I'm not sure if it's healthy in the long term.

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I've found that Valerian root helps me get sleepy and stay asleep. Smells like feet though, so get it in capsules if you get any. Vanilla Sleepytime tea is really soothing too. And who can resist the twee little picture of bears in nightcaps on the box?


Lots of people have success with melatonin, but I found that it consistently made me super cranky the next day.

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Yoga isn't really my "thing". Thanks for the suggestion though.


Oddly enough, since starting this thread I've slept very well for several nights in a row. Possibly coincidental. If intermittent sleep returns, I'm going to try some Valerian root capsules.

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