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How long to call

Double D

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hey there.


i asked that question as well. heck, to me it makes sense to call someone soon if you're interested. i'm not talking about stalking, but at least the next day if you had a nice time. otherwise, people start to come up with scenarios why the person isn't calling, or just don't like to play games so write that person off.

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well i would call and tell her that i had a gr8 time and ask her how she felt



then if she felt good about it or her general behaviour is good

then u can take it from there . however if she comes accross as if she had a okay time then just dont think of even asking her out again ....i mean when u say i had a gr 8 time she should reply oh so did i ...then ask her out again ...but if she replies like oh yeah ...then let it be ...



but give her a call now while she can sill recall what kinda time she had

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If you had a great time, I would call within 1-2 days, or at least have some sort of contact within that time frame. Being a woman myself, if I don't hear from a guy after what I thought was a pretty great date, I wonder what his actual interest level is.


It's a line between too anxious and too nonchalant - you don't want to call as soon as you drop her off, but nor do you you want to wait a week!

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Wait for a couple of days....if a woman thinks that you are easy, then her attraction to you will go down. Let her stew for a couple of days then call...


Why do guys always think this? That somehow if after a great date if a guy calls the day after we think they are easy? Guess what...we don't! If anything, it makes them stand out from others and is flattering. I can see waiting 1-2 days due to being busy, but doing it purposely for a couple days to "stew" does not play in your favour - if the date was that great that you want to call next day, do it! It does not have to be a long call by any means, and a girl is not going to think because you took 5-10 minutes to make a phone call out of your 24 HOUR day that you are easy.

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Women absolutely equate a man's interest level with how soon he calls. Most women are delighted to hear from a guy soon after a date that went really well.


I know there are men's advice site that advise making a woman wait for days before you call...that is pathetic advice, I can assure you. Don't take my word for it though, I'm just a --- woman!

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You don't want to sound to desperate, but then again, you don't want to seem uninterested either. I usually call a girl 2 or 3 days afterwards.


Calling the day after does not seem desperate at all as I said previously...and I think 3 days is too long unless you were out of town.


If a guy takes 3 days to call me back yet tells me he is interested, you know what I think? I think "this guy is following too many of the rules that he has read he should follow rather than being man enough to be his own person and he can't be that interested, I want a guy that does not play games with me or leave me wondering what his interest level is this early in the dating process".

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Don't listen to any advice about waiting a few days before calling since otherwise you look desperate. Call when you think is right. If you had a good time then call her the next day and tell her. She'll be pleased to her from you and flattered that you were thinking about her so soon. Everyone who has said that calling soon makes you seem more interested is right on.

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