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Has anybody tried the "Text your ex back program"?


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This isn't a commercial or anything, but in trying to research how to get my ex-girlfriend back, I've come accross the Text Your Ex Back program from Michael Fiore. I've been putting off buying it for two months, but after initiating a no contact period with my ex today (we've been on and off talking for two months), I think it might be worth a shot.


Has anybody heard of it or tried it? The infomercial video is very convincing, but I know it's just that.


I'm really debating buying it ($47) but am afraid clinging to this will lead to false hope.


Any thoughts?

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best way to get an ex back is to do NOTHING, and wait for them to contact YOU, if or when they contact you, then u assume its because they miss you... thats when you set a date, and only focus on three things..hang out, hook up, and have fun..dont bring up relationships, or labels until they do..that simple....

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DO NOT!!!!!!!!!! When I was researching how to get an ex back in 2008 which is how I ended up here, I found lots of sites trying to sell manuals and e-books. Believe me I was as desperate to get him back as they come. I was glued to the pc night and day. I couldn't function. I didn't go to work for 2 months. I didn't eat or sleep and went down to 6.5 stone. In the end I was dragged to the doctors and was put on anti depressants and sleeping pills. I was that bad at the time that I didn't want to live. People here said to do NC and I thought they were absolutely BONKERS and I wouldn't listen for quite some time. I never bought one of those books and I'm glad because it would have been a sheer waste of money.


The crystal clear truth is, there is NOTHING you can do or say to get them back. The best way in my experience is to go NC and move on. It's a win win situation but it takes TIME and quite a lot of it.


When you have the time, search for posts by SUPERDAVE. This may seem silly, but here is a video that REALLY helped me. I watched it over and over until it sunk in... Sorry about the quality, they don't seem to have the original anymore.

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best way to get an ex back is to do NOTHING, and wait for them to contact YOU, if or when they contact you, then u assume its because they miss you... thats when you set a date, and only focus on three things..hang out, hook up, and have fun..dont bring up relationships, or labels until they do..that simple....


Part of the program is going through 30 days of NC to let emotions reset so that you can start a new relationship

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Part of the program is going through 30 days of NC to let emotions reset so that you can start a new relationship


They all say 30 days of NC then you start the 'plan'. It just doesn't work like that and these people are cashing in on people's desperation. I bet they make thousands!

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Hmmm. I have not seen this program that you speak of, but I do know that there is little we can do to change others. Unfortunately, we cannot make others do anything, and more importantly cannot make them feel anything, that we wish.


Would you be willing to share the circumstances of your relationship and breakup with us? Even if you've already posted a thread, please try telling it fresh, with your current perspective.

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Save your money. If you do a forum search this topic has come up several times. I think someone has even described what it entails. I want to say it's very similar to advice you will find all over this forum. Do a search and I bet you'll find a handful of topics about this program.

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Hmmm. I have not seen this program that you speak of, but I do know that there is little we can do to change others. Unfortunately, we cannot make others do anything, and more importantly cannot make them feel anything, that we wish.


Would you be willing to share the circumstances of your relationship and breakup with us? Even if you've already posted a thread, please try telling it fresh, with your current perspective.


Sure. Was dating my first real girlfriend for eight months, and for the most part, things were great. In my mind, she was the girl of my dreams and have never been happier with anybody. Her family loved me and we seemed to have a real connection and future.


She's a senior in college and lives and hour and a half hour. In December, we started to fight over little things, and I came off as needy for wanting to see her more often than was probably realistic. We nearly broke up, but then had a great two week stretch, but after one small drunk fight/misunderstanding, she told me she needed space.


Despite her request for space, she texted me almost every day for two months. We went through periods where things seemed to be getting better and we'd talk on the phone at night for hours and the one time we saw each other we slept together. These periods would always end in fights though, mostly over me wanting to get back together or her getting jealous about a girl who had been writing on my facebook wall and liking my pictures.


Three weeks I go, I suggested NC until she knew what she wanted. She agreed, but a day later texted me while at her parents house and told me she missed me, which caused us to begin to talk again. She went on spring break and when she got back we got in a fight and I requested NC again. She texted me the next day saying she was thinking about me, and I didn't respond. Two days later she texted me saying she missed me and I just told her that if she wasn't going to do anything about it, to stop. On Sunday she was drunk for St. Patrick's Day and called me 58 times.


I caved and answered, and before I knew it, she had the power back. She told me I could come see her to talk about things, but couldn't promise anything would change. I went yesterday and nothing changed, except seeing her made me realize how much I wanted to be with her. We re-implemented NC, and I think it's for real this time, although she told me she thinks we still have a future together, she just doesn't know when.


I've been beating myself up since getting back, wishing I was with her and knowing there's nothing I can do. She has 6 weeks left of school, so if I do this program, the 30 days of NC will take me to right around the time that she graduates. This is the most down I've been, and I'm willing to try anything at this point to get her back.

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I think it's a great program to rekindle things IF you and an ex have taken some significant time apart AND have wandered back into each others' lives.


The reason I say this is that the program is aimed at creating a new relationship with an ex. It is easy to fall into old habits, which will provide comfort and good memories, but will often lead to the same result.

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I think it's a great program to rekindle things IF you and an ex have taken some significant time apart AND have wandered back into each others' lives.


The reason I say this is that the program is aimed at creating a new relationship with an ex. It is easy to fall into old habits, which will provide comfort and good memories, but will often lead to the same result.


That's what I was thinking. The informercial even says that the old relationship is dead, which is why the 30 days NC is so important. This is all about creating a new one, so it's as much a program for texting girls as it is your ex.


Wowor, have you used it?

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These programs are typically garbage that are just looking to make a quick buck off of sad, desperate individuals. I would strongly urge you to stay away from them. That being said, theres always the possibility it might work or might be good. Do your research before making that kind of decision.


Most of these programs have a money back guarantee anyway, so it might be worth checking out if so. I tried one of these dumb programs, read over it and within a few minutes decided it was garbage/obvious information and got it refunded.

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I'm having a kind of rough day and am debating buying it. It's only $47, and in the grand scheme of things, that's worth it to know I tried every avenue.


My only worry is that it will keep me clinging to potential false hope for at least another month. I'm hurting right now (in day 5 of NC) and miss her like hell. I can't see myself with anybody else, even girls i used to have strong attraction to. I can't help but wonder 'what if?' when it comes to this program.

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Your life your money your choice. Just to let you know though, Michael Fiore is a pen name, which is common practice and not shady. The guy's actual name is Chris Haddad and he is a top internet marketer who also calls himself (I kid you not) Mr. Moneyfingers. He's one of the best. He has several products out including Text the Romance Back, and (I kid you not again) Oral Fixation which is supposedly a method to hypnotise a reluctant lover into being addicted to bjs. There's also some program he claims reveals the secrets of why men lie. I almost bought that one out of curiosity and I know better!


Buyer be informed, basically. None of this means you shouldn't buy from him. Just know that the sales materials are top notch and are designed to make you feel desperate for the product. More effort is spent on the marketing than the product because that is what makes money. Standard practice. I just find it interesting to look behind the scenes.


Here's Haddad/Fiore talking about the sales methods he uses.

[video=youtube_share;svljpRw2SrY] ]

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Christ, hahaha.


I feel dumb, but I'm going to go through with it. It sounds as though there's some good stuff in it. I must admit, the text your ex back infomercial was very convincing. It made me feel better just watching it.


Like I said, at the very least it will give me a reason to stick to 30 days NC, and who knows where I'll be after that.

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While Fiore seems like a bit of scam artist, this does seem like a positive program to regain confidence, regardless on how you choose to use it. And like I said, the 30 days of NC is a key component, which I think most here will agree with.


I just completed the first night of the program (they don't give you it all at once so you don't break NC), and it seems pretty legit. Just stuff about figuring out why you broke up and what not.


I'll keep you all posted here so you (we) can decide if it's crap or not.

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how is the program going, if you don't mind me asking, what does it ask you to do the first night?


You read an introduction and agree to NC. Then you go through a module on why people breakup and try to identify why your relationship ended.


The next module isn't available for another two days.


Watching those Haddad/Fiore videos was a bummer. He said he does believe in his products, but it also made me realize what a sucker I was for buying into his BS. I still regret nothing. I feel fine now, although I admit I'm probably holding onto false hope.

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None of this will change the mind of an ex who has decided they simply don't ever want to be with you again.


She claims she does see a future for us, she just doesn't know when. I don't know if I believe or not. A part of me just thinks she doesn't want to burn her bridge with me because she knows I'm a good guy and her parents love me.


I don't know. Maybe I should give up and accept that I need to move on. I'm on day 6 of NC and going through grief and anxiety. Maybe this is all just more false hope and I'll be in an even worse place in a month.

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She claims she does see a future for us, she just doesn't know when. I don't know if I believe or not. A part of me just thinks she doesn't want to burn her bridge with me because she knows I'm a good guy and her parents love me.


I don't know. Maybe I should give up and accept that I need to move on. I'm on day 6 of NC and going through grief and anxiety. Maybe this is all just more false hope and I'll be in an even worse place in a month.


People who love you, want to be with you, don't sell you the future as a way to deny you the present.

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You're right. If she loved me like she did during our relationship, she'd find a way to make it work, just like we did then.


I'm going to stick with the program, at least for a little while. Talking to people who have used it, a lot of it seems to rely on self improvement and healing before doing anything. Maybe I'll go through it and accept that I don't want to be with her.

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You're right. If she loved me like she did during our relationship, she'd find a way to make it work, just like we did then.


I'm going to stick with the program, at least for a little while. Talking to people who have used it, a lot of it seems to rely on self improvement and healing before doing anything. Maybe I'll go through it and accept that I don't want to be with her.


Like I said on your new thread, this is the reason why you cant stop wondering about her. Its like waiting for that new bike you were promised from XMAS. It makes December the longest month of the year and you keep thinking about riding your new bike. Cant wait for it. Thats what programs like this do. They put the thought of "In 30 days, your gonna have a chance" and you sit and wonder for that long. And it drives you insane.

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