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I told the Boy I like something I should not have.

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Ok, I just moved to a new school from a different countrey, and everyone around me is against the country i came from, So if I tell them that I'm from that countrey they'll think I'ma retard or loser, So I told them that I'm from a different country and they all believed me. I told the guy I like the same thing i Told everyone else. So I lied . Now 3 days ago, his best friend saw me with my mom in our old cultural clothes, He didn't say anything but just looked the other way, I noticed that he was there later and I felt extremely emberaced because i was probably standing there the whole time with my mom and he was probably just looking at me in either confusion or anything else. Now Im sure he's bound to tell the guy i Like as they are best friends and he's gonna know for sure I lied ( i think he had doughts before i lied) and think im a lyer. Now what shall i do? I now think for sure he knows im from that countrey and not the countrey i said i was from. I need major advice. Please help!

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Well now tat one of your friends saw you he's going to spread the news pretty quickly. You can always hide the truth and hope it never comes out in the open, or you can tell them the truth and go from there.



If you guys are really friends they're not going to care.



And you should be proud of your culture, there's nothing for you to be ashamed of.

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You shouldn't be ashamed of where you come from. You shouldn't let other people's opinions keep you from being yourself.


You need to be honest. Tell them the truth. Tell them that you lied because you were worried that they would judge you and not like you.


If they can't accept you for who you are, then they aren't real friends. If they judge you based on where you are from, then they are stereotyping.

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so let me get this straight ..when you told every one that you were from a difrentcountry you said you were from chicogo right?well since you lived there since you were 6 months old thats tecnicly lying. but who cares where your from anyways. i mean you dont judge ppl by where they come from, its just not right.i mean i ppl start to confrunt you about it just say "i wasnt lying i am from chicogo i mean i have lived there almost all my life but i'm originally from bangal."and if there your friends and they look down on you for that then you dont need them.because its not you fault where you came from but you shouldnt be ashamed or hide it either.well i hope i helped you.

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and one more fact is Ive already told the people around me im froma different place. If i suddenly tell them im not from that place they'll definetly think I'm a lyer..


I don't mean to be harsh, but you *are* a liar. I mean, the definition of "liar" is one who tells lies, and you *did* tell lies about where you were from.


I think when you come clean, you'll realize that people are more angry about your lies than about where you truly come from.


As the others have said, you should be PROUD of your culture! Those who truly care about you won't think badly of you because of where you are from (in fact, you may find it sparks their interests and makes them want to *learn* about your culture). Those who DO make fun of you because of your origins aren't worth your time.

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