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this is what she said to me...

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ok, nick, to me and other girls who've told me, its because you're not what

we're looking for...you're not the boyfriends type, why? because how you

act, you act so silly, and girls want a serious boy, a boy, or man to help

them with they're books when they're heading to class, basically they don't

think that you, your self, your image, your kind of personality, the way you

act, is what a girl is looking for, well for sure the kind of girls you like

here, and girls also go for looks, but its not the only thing, its just one

of things they're looking for in a guy, ok, here are what girls are looking

in a guy: Personality, Body Image, If They're Cute Or Not, How They Would

Treat Them, How Loyal They Are, and How They Handle Women, basically girls

have try-outs for boys/men if they mess up on what they expect then they

dump them, unless the guys dumps them...but that's another story! cause you

see how it worked out with me and frederick? yup, its tough to win a girls

heart, but I'm proud of those boys who really proved themselves to the

girls, that they can be a better man just by trying, but again alot of boys

don't even want to try, but hey, I don't blame them, its they're choice, its

like this: 'If you work hard enough then you'll get your reward......' "



that is what this girl that i like said to me, is this true? i really like her, and we have alot in common, and i really want to go out with her, she is basically my dream chick should i?

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Ok ,


first of all women do not know what on earth they want


second , just be yourself , if she can't deal with it then .......


third ,If you find you can improve yourself and you can accept it then don't hesistate


only remember that a relationship is like a building you have to build a solid base so that you can go next floor so unless you both change and are willing to sacrifice and be honest for the sake of each other or if you feel this is one way love kiss it good bye and buy that peace of mind.

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Hi there,

Wow sounds like a tall order, I'm not sure she is going to get everything she wants. Sure we would all like to date the perfect partner but that RARELY happens. I'm afraid your friend is going to have to refine her list just a bit as she grows older because nobody is perfect and we ALL make mistakes.


I don't know if you should continue to persue her. Nobody should have to change drastically to fit someone else's idea of perfect. I suggest you be yourself and if that does not grab her then she is the one losing out.


If you are a guy who takes care of himself, is caring, has integrity and doesn't bully people around then I would say you are pretty much set. You will find a girl who will appreciate your good qualities and overlook some of your bad ones. This girl comes off a bit snobby to me ( sorry).


How old is she anyway?

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It almost looks like she got parts of that off of somewhere. Otherwise, she says no to a lot of people or u and her go to some rich, prep-type school (no offense, just based on the way she presented her answer). Maybe she's popular too (a girl I liked once gave me a lengthy no too)


For advice, look at what shademan said cuz he's right. Be yourself, but if there are things to improve yourself, go ahead and do it. And girls def. don't know what they want. The girl you like sounds just a little picky to me, but she gave good info so you can check up with it and use it in the future.


If you like her that much (I'm in a "dream chick" situation too, but that's a different story), give her a few days, then start using her "tips" to get to her. Also, get to know her friends b/c girls talk. A lot, and they'll talk about you. Good luck!

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Ha! that is what she said


Seeing as many girls can't even fit the bill they want boys to I don't think she should be on her "high horse" that much.


Secondly she sounds full of herself like she has a big ego or something. All I heard out of that full length paragraph was gimme gimme gimme, me me me. She never once told you what she has to change or do to make a relationship work. I know you probably still want to get with her (makes no sense to me why).


So my prediction sooner or later is she if yall do go out it won't last long, because those clucks only think about themselves, not about the real world. She will find someone better than you and be gone in a second and you shouldn't be surprised because that is basically what she told you.

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So my prediction sooner or later is she if yall do go out it won't last long, because those clucks only think about themselves, not about the real world. She will find someone better than you and be gone in a second and you shouldn't be surprised because that is basically what she told you.


Ck's always keeping it real...

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So my prediction sooner or later is she if yall do go out it won't last long, because those clucks only think about themselves, not about the real world. She will find someone better than you and be gone in a second and you shouldn't be surprised because that is basically what she told you.


Ck's always keeping it real...


Realer than immigration at an illegal aliens house...ops shouldn't had said that the moderators might frame me and send me another note about me being disruptive or something

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