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can it work out between us?

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okay this is my question, this is targeted for guyz that are 14-16

anyway if a girl that you think is pretty likes you then would you go out with her.... in other words when you say a girl is pretty than does that just meen that you think she is pretty or that you are attracted to her and possibly like her....? and would you consider going out with that girl? thx in advance

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anyway if a girl that you think is pretty likes you then would you go out with her.... in other words when you say a girl is pretty than does that just meen that you think she is pretty or that you are attracted to her and possibly like her....? and would you consider going out with that girl? thx in advance


It depends. But if we kinda knew each other past the point of just acquaintances, hell yeah! But if I just like see her in the hallways and think she's pretty, I don't think I'd consider it, because dating, for ppl of my age group seems to be a game with rules and all, and I don't know all the rules, and I lost interest on learning them after I unintentionally didn't follow one of the rules and ended feeling like a freak even though I didn't even know those rules existed back then. Plus, there are tons of pretty girls, you might as well choose any of the others... There's that special element on the person that you need to find out in order to develop feelings for them. Plus, almost all the pretty girls, especially in my school are taken: One day you may hear them say they broke up with their bf and the next day you'll see them with some flowers sent by their new bf. And I don't think that sounds too good... You know what I mean... Anyway, about your question, the problem is that there aren't that many girls that like me that way.

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Well im one of those guys, and I don't know what's right anymore, because not long ago that situation happened to me.

As you know, highschool is tough, and if you are not at the top in popularity, then everything is going to be really hard, especially dating and finding a girl that likes you.


I am a not so popular guy, and im really shy around girls, one day someone told me that a really hot girl liked me. I decided not to pass the opportunity of being with someone like her. After 3 days of introducing myself to her, we were already going out, and for about two weeks it was a very intense relationship, but then she said that she wasn't interested anymore and dumped me.


So if you meet a guy that you like, get to know him a little first and make sure that things are possible beforehand, so that something like this doesn't happen to you.

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highschool is tough, and if you are not at the top in popularity, then everything is going to be really hard, especially dating and finding a girl that likes you.




I am at the top of popularity at my school (according to everyone else in my school at least) and I have trouble finding girls. I am a bit sh, but I'm more confident now. I might be "popular" but dating is still hard forr me.

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After 3 days of introducing myself to her, we were already going out, and for about two weeks it was a very intense relationship, but then she said that she wasn't interested anymore and dumped me.


That's the kind of girl I'd never would want to cross paths with in my entire life... Well, on the bright side, fede21us, at least it was just 3 days... I've seen guys talking about 3 years! (or even more). Believe me, that doesn't help my apathy towards the "romantic" world... Hopefully, not everyone is like that... And about the the highschool is tough statement... I've seen ppl to whom the word "popularity" don't mean a crap and they still get into relationships, so I guess that doesn't matter... Plus, I grew up most of my life in a country where nobody gives a crap about that kind of ridiculous nonsense and there are none of those ridiculous stereotypes either, by the way... And I don't give a crap about those. I dress with the clothes I feel comfortable with, not the ones that any specific "group" of ppl use. I cut my hair the way I think it looks better, not how my "kind of ppl" should cut it. And I don't care if there are ppl who agree with that kind of thing, but I don't, and I'm not nice to those who believe in such nonsense just to make others feel bad about themselves. In fact, it gets on my nerve, so I'd rather not talk about it anymore...

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Y ou are right Dead Eyes, i guess its not just about that, life overall is hard, and if it wasnt that way, then people wouldn't want to live it anyway.


It also has to do with confidence, and personality issues, I could say that

I am a happy person, I am the valedictorian at my school, and an athlete, but I am still not good around girls. I have not been able to take the initiative with any of them, shyness is a big burden, but all of us shy guys will overcome it one day.


We are still young with all our lives ahead.

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