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How can you remove them from your heart...

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...if you can't remove them from your mind?


I keep hearing his damn voice whenever there is something bothering me. If I'm sad, "Smile." If I'm angry, "why are you letting it bother you?" And it's right!!! It's good advice!! How in the world am I supposed to get over and move on?!?!? It's maddening and infuriating!! It's like I can't beat him. Before I met him, I didn't care to stop and think about the things that were bothering me. I just went through the motions. I'm angry, get angry. I'm sad, cry or mope about it, whatever. But now? "Why are you letting it bother you?" AAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Even now as I'm writing this--annoyed and frustrated-- I hear him.


AND HERE'S THE KICKER: He thought that I didn't listen to him to very well when we talked to each other


P.S. It's that time of the month for me so this could just be the hormones ranting and raving. GGGGAAAHHHHH!!!!!

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Are you having mourning feelings? Do not deny mourning feelings, or you may bring a long term depression for yourself. You may feel sad for some time, but mourning feelings have limited fuel and in a few months, feelings are depleted and you feel bored of being sad, so your only choice is being happy again.


Anger is never a good way to express emotions. Find articles on anger management.


If you feel bothered by voices, you may need to get some therapy. Also you may try a bit of meditation to quiet your mind. When we are in peace, we make better decisions.

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