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Is this guy interested? Desperate advice needed!


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There's this guy I like who I've met before, but we've never really talked to, just been introduced and briefly talked once. Last night, we were both at this party and dancing, and his friend suddenly introduced himself to me, and introduced the guy I like to me again (he repeated the intro twice). So we danced together for a bit and I saw his friend kinda smirking in the corner.


Later, he was standing by himself and I was standing near him and I said to him "Hey" and he said "Hey" but I got nervous and didn't know what to say, so I said "Um actually, don't worry." He looked confused and said "Ok". For the rest of the night, we glanced at each other a bit. At school we saw each other, but neither of us even said hi and he didn't even look at me or acknowledge me. I got his ICQ, but he doesn't say hi.


Is he interested or not? I'm really confused! Maybe he knows I'm interested (from my signals or from his friend)? He's not really shy, but not really outgoing either. Guys, please help!

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Hi Rachel,


I can totally relate to this..


Firstly I think he's probably interested and just a bit confused by the whole "don't worry about it" thing you said.. he doesn't necessarily have to be a shy person to be a little cautious about asking you out.. I think he might just be worried you'll say no? How obvious was your body language that you liked him? It was probably a bit subtle..


Ok now this is my situation.. i think you'll see the similarities.. I met this guy on this course I was doing, we talked briefly and he's done a few things which have me wondering.. mainly it's just a feeling i get that he "might" like me..but also he tends to go to volunteer nights when I go, and he seems a bit shy around me, like he doesn't look at me when we're talking (and it's not cos he doesn't like me..cos otherwise he would try to avoid me, which he doesn't)..anyway i sent him and email and he NEVER replied..but then he seems to make time to be the same places as me..it's totally confusing.. I don't show him I like him very obviously and my friends think the main reason he prolly doesn't make a move is cos he's scared i'll say no..cos whenever he offers me help with something, or a coffee (he makes coffee when we're volunteering) I always say no! He has also had previous gfs and he doesn't seem REALLY shy or outgoing..


So anyway enough of my babble.. My advice is to just go talk to him in a friendly manner, you don;'t have to go and ask him out but you should be as approachable as possible and hopefully he'll ask you out very soon.. and you could always say hi on icq?? There's nothing to lose!



Good luck!


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The thing is some of his friends might know that I like him, and it might have gotten back to him and I'm freaked out that he's turned off by the fact I don't know him that well and I like him? Like I'm not a "chase" anymore, if that makes sense?


With the "dont worry" thing, would most guys consider that in the context of this situation that I was just about to say something to them and decided not to, or that I wasn't interested, or that I'm weird, or that I was interested but shy?


And do you think his friend was just being friendly or there were intentions when he introduced us?

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Hi Rachel,


I know what you mean about the not being a "chase" anymore..and I've heard similar things, but if this guy is really interested, he'll see past that, it's not as if you're throwing yourself at him, he needs to know you at least like him partially before he'll ask you out at all anyway.. so don;'t stress - I'm sure he's not put off by the fact that you like him.


I think that the "don't worry" thing did not show him ur not interested.. it was just a bit strange, but he probably interpreted it as u being shy... I think I would if that happened to me..


And finally they say if a guy's friends show a lot of interest in you, it's probably because the guy has been talking about you..so i think the introduction was a good sign this guy likes you..


Good luck, hope it all works out for ya!



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