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  1. that's a HUGE warning sign - say next and drop her! definitely playing games with you and leading you on. i'm sorry, but you deserve better.
  2. Has anyone read this book? It was featured on Sex and the City and Oprah, and my friend told me about it and basically, it says that guys don't like being pursued by the girl and if he doesn't call and says he would, or if he doesn't initiate conversation or try to talk to you, then he's just not that into you. And if he was interested, he would go find you somehow. Do you guys agree?
  3. What if the guy is ALWAYS on busy or away? Is it up to him then? Is he really busy, or just doing that to talk to selected ppl?
  4. From a GUYS perspective, what would you think if at a party you were dancing with a girl, talked to her very briefly, and then when you were by yourself, she passes by and says "hey ...oh actually nothing, don't worry." and turns around and keeps going? Would you think: a ) She's interested b) She's weird c) She's not interested (or turned off) d) She wanted to say something but forgot e) She's drunk/tipsy
  5. The thing is some of his friends might know that I like him, and it might have gotten back to him and I'm freaked out that he's turned off by the fact I don't know him that well and I like him? Like I'm not a "chase" anymore, if that makes sense? With the "dont worry" thing, would most guys consider that in the context of this situation that I was just about to say something to them and decided not to, or that I wasn't interested, or that I'm weird, or that I was interested but shy? And do you think his friend was just being friendly or there were intentions when he introduced us?
  6. If friends tell you that they've heard that a girl likes you, but she doesn't act like it, would you think she's interested or make you more curious or turn you off if you didn't know that girl very well, and only spoke to her really briefly a few times? And if this girl got your ICQ/MSN, and only had one conversation with her, would you make the effort to say hi, and get to know the girl? Or wait for her to make the moves?
  7. Say hi! Seriously I'm a girl in the reverse position as you and if the guy just said hi to me, it would make my day coz I'm scared of saying hi in case the guy isn't interested!
  8. There's a difference between a girl playing hard to get, and a girl that simply isn't interested. It's sometimes really hard to tell, but if you have shown a lot of interest and there isn't any hints or any signals that she might be interested in you, then probably she's not interested. When girls play hard to get, its more for a push and pull thing, as in she'll send you mixed signals, not no signals at all.
  9. But he's had a few girlfriends before ...would that still mean he's shy in this situation?
  10. I know a lot of girls, including myself go crazy for a guy that has confidence, but not to the point of arrogance. Like he knows how to carry himself and is sure of who he is. Guys who have charisma and a great sense of humour are also really attractive even though they may not be the best looking guy around.
  11. There's this guy I like who I've met before, but we've never really talked to, just been introduced and briefly talked once. Last night, we were both at this party and dancing, and his friend suddenly introduced himself to me, and introduced the guy I like to me again (he repeated the intro twice). So we danced together for a bit and I saw his friend kinda smirking in the corner. Later, he was standing by himself and I was standing near him and I said to him "Hey" and he said "Hey" but I got nervous and didn't know what to say, so I said "Um actually, don't worry." He looked confused and said "Ok". For the rest of the night, we glanced at each other a bit. At school we saw each other, but neither of us even said hi and he didn't even look at me or acknowledge me. I got his ICQ, but he doesn't say hi. Is he interested or not? I'm really confused! Maybe he knows I'm interested (from my signals or from his friend)? He's not really shy, but not really outgoing either. Guys, please help!
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