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Still cant forget her....

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well i posted along time ago about this issue...i believe it was right after me and my ex separated...but my problem is still here..let me tell you what my problem is and please give me any advice that you personally would try i am open for any thing at this time....Well about 7 months ago my ex and i separated after beiong together for 3 1/2 years, i figured i would be able to get over her and heal fine, but these past 7 months have been pure HELL for me its like every wakeing moment something reminds me of her or for some reason my mind just wonders into thoughts about her i dont know where they come from but out of nowhere i will just start thinking about her and that brings pain to me lots of pain....i tryed contacting her and we talked for sometime i asked if possibly she would like to get together sometime but she just replys saying that shes to busy haveing to work everyday and whatnot so i have just been playing it cool i guess lately and i havent made any contact with her just trying to getover this ex-relationship completely but its much harder then i ever thought it would be....Someone please give me some advice on how to conquer this i understand that its natural to think about an ex but how do you forget one.....if you have msn messanger i would love to talk on there about this my contact is email removed or just respond on here....

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Hi Shainer,


I'm going through the same thinh you are right now.I feel for you.My ex left me back in January because she thought that we weren't compatible after 3 years???ok.I still miss her to this day and think about her every moment.It came to the point that I couldn't talk to her anymore because she started to me so cold to me.It does get better as time goes on.11 months and I'm doing a lot better than when I was at around 7 months.Keep yourself busy and be strong.when you meet someone new,it's a lot different and will beable to get over her in no time.Most people say it's not the person you miss,it's there company.If you haven;t been with anyone since,then your missing her with you.For me that's how I think I'm feeling.Don't think I miss her personally.I don't know.


Like I said stay strong and we'll get through this!!!!!

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Yeah I agree with above, you just got used to having her around. The lonliness always sucks. When you find someone else, then things will start looking better for you.


Mine left in Feb, never spoke a word to her since. I also moved since we split so I don't even know anybody where I live now...so now is really a sucky time.



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Hey Shainer,


Yes, it does get easier! There will be some special things that you will never forget (which is good!) but you will move on and find someone new.


The hardest thing I think is to believe this (just look at some of my first posts) but time really is a healer.


Just tell yourself its ok to feel the way you do (as really it hasn't been that long) but things will get better as each day goes by.


It does feel like the hardest thing you'e ever done, but stick with it bro, believe me, one day you'll look back and be proud of how far you've come.


All the best.

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