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Scared! Please help

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i had to do this shortly after giving birth. however mine was low grade, the procedure did work. chances may be slightly lower for you since it is high grade (but don't quote me on that i could be wrong) once the procedure was done i got a pap shortly after and it was gone. however my doctor recommended pap every 6 months rather than 12, especially if it runs in your family.

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My friend had it done this fall. It's a pretty routine thing nowadays but she did have some discomfort. Hers was exacerbated by the fact that they use a vinegar solution to see the problem cells and she is allergic to vinegars and things of that nature. For most people, it's just like having a pap done. It is scary to associate the word cancer with yourself, I know. I just found out I have a form of skin cancer and it is a weird feeling! Stay on top of it and you will be fine

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