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Just an update


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Hello ENA,


I thought I'd stop by with some positivity today.


If you've followed my stories you're familiar with me and my guy and the things we endured in 2010.


I'd like to say that as of Dec 31st 2012 we are happily engaged.

2011 was a rough year and I will be honest and tell you it took a whole lot for me to get where I am today with trusting him again but we worked hard, we both wanted to be together. It was not easy, it didn't happen overnight and there were a couple of times where I wanted to throw in the towel saying it wasn't worth the fight.


For those of you dealing with a break up or about to go through one, I am here to tell you it gets better, you heal, you learn to trust again and sometimes you're able to work things out like we did.


Hope someone else is as lucky as I am

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Congrats on your engagement! Really happy for you, and I hope it all works out! It's so nice to hear happy stories.


I don't know anything about your story, but what you said made me interested to know it. Did ya'll actually break up, and then get back together? You said that it took you a long time to trust him again in 2011. I'm in a situation now where my ex broke up with me and then said he wanted to get back together, and I'm having problems gaining that trust and feeling of security back. It would be great to hear how you did it.

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