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Akward Silences...


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I have been datign this "great" girl for the last three months. We are in our mid-thirties. We have both stated we are in-love with each other. Most of the time, we have great conversation-flow. Usually I can't wait to see wait she is going to say next because most of the things she says are so interesting and I do the same, as well.


Sometimes after being with each other for a while, like this week we were with each other Wed. night, Thursday night, Friday night and aggain on Saturday afternoon. While going for a walk on Saturday afternoon and in the car later that evening, I basically ran out of things to say...she thought something might be bothering me.


Is htis normal? What should we do when there is nothing to say?

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I think it's normal. I'm in a great marriage and we often go for periods of time without speaking. Then a song will come on, or we'll see someone we know and the conversation will pick right up!


I like it that we feel comfortable whether we're conversing or not. We're that couple that can go to lunch and read the paper in silence, yet still feel incredibly connected.

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How about enjoy the silence.

When you reach a point in a relationship when you are just as happy being together in silence as you are chatting up a storm, you have reached the point of pure happiness and security with each other.

Don't over-analyze.




Ok, I just thought 3 months might be too soon for periods of silence.

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