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BJs 101, please.


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Indeed it is unfair. Assuming the act of tasting and swallowing is easy without even knowing what the semen taste like? I would doubt the validity of your advice. It's almost like saying you know what goat cheese taste like without ever trying goat cheese in your life. To be fair, it won't hurt to try. I won't hold it as a gay act, but simply just something educational.


I'll take your word for it.

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It's a give and take thing for sure. I hate the taste of semen when its bitter and salty. I agree with what another poster said about letting it go more towards your throat instead of on your tongue. It helps a lot.

In any case, you shouldn't feel guilty or embarrassed about telling him what you like and don't like. Ask him if he'd be willing to do some things to make it better for you (showering before getting a BJ in the morning, drinking more water, etc) and in return you can be more enthusiastic and willing. I've never given one in the morning but I can't imagine it would taste very good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In all honesty, there's worse tasting stuff out there than semen. I wouldn't appreciate a man spitting and washing his mouth straight out after going down on me, so I wouldn't dream of doing the same. It lasts a couple of minutes, and surely giving your partner the pleasure makes it all worthwhile?

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Ok, here we go.


I hate the taste of cum in my mouth. I often pretend that it's in my mouth but it's really just in my hands. (I hope he never finds out, YIKES!)


Hold up...HUH? How can he NOT know where he's cumming? Maybe I'm an idiot here, but if he cums in your mouth, and doesn't see you spit it out, how can...OK I'll phrase it another way: If he DOESN'T cum in your mouth, what is there to "find out"?


Actually, I can't phrase this correctly at all, because your statement makes absolutely no sense without some detail. If it were me, there is NO WAY I wouldn't know where my cum was after I shot it. So please explain. I'm lost here.

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Hold up...HUH? How can he NOT know where he's cumming? If it were me, there is NO WAY I wouldn't know where my cum was after I shot it. So please explain. I'm lost here.


You only need to know if you care, though. Why does it matter if she's switched from oral to hands in the last few seconds before you come, as long as it feels good?

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You only need to know if you care, though. Why does it matter if she's switched from oral to hands in the last few seconds before you come, as long as it feels good?


I didn't even think about that, to be honest with you. But, that's probably because I don't cum from hands/oral. She usually sucks me off for a while then I finish MYSELF. So when I cum, it shoots directly in her mouth. That's why I was confused. I figured she was sucking him off and he just came from THAT. But even still, once she starts using hands and he cums, how does he NOT realize he came in her hands? I'm not saying it's BAD, I'm just questioning how he doesn't KNOW it. (If you read her post, she says "I hope he never finds out.") Just seems odd to me that he can't feel the difference between her hands and her mouth.

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If he doesn't care much which it is, he just may not be bothering to notice the difference.


Then why does she "hope he never finds out"? She did say she often PRETENDS it's in her mouth (obviously in an effort to please him) But if he doesn't care either way, she wouldn't HAVE to pretend. Nor would she be seeking advice on how to make cum in the mouth BETTER for her. See my point?

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Then why does she "hope he never finds out"? She did say she often PRETENDS it's in her mouth (obviously in an effort to please him) But if he doesn't care either way, she wouldn't HAVE to pretend. Nor would she be seeking advice on how to make cum in the mouth BETTER for her. See my point?


Yeah. What I meant is, at the actual point of orgasm he may be a little distracted from analytical thoughts like "hmmm, I wonder if that is her mouth or her hands?".

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