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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger


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Has anyone else had any life changing benefits from being dumped/ broken up with an ex?


I'm rather stubborn and when I look back I seem to have gone on a mission to prove my exes wrong. Sort of if they always said I wouldn't do something hell i go and do it!!


One of my exes said i could never cope in London.. So guess what I've now been living here for 3 years! One if my exes said I would never sub 50 racing.. So guess what I trained my hardest and did it! My most recent ex used to make me feel patronised for not owning a property.. Well funnily enough I have an appointment with the mortgage advisor on Saturday!

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I've never done anything like that lol I'm pretty content with my life how it is, but if it makes you happy that's great Just make sure you're doing things for the right reasons. Moving and buying a house are things you should do for yourself, not because you want to prove someone wrong.

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Yup... I do it every time I get out of a relationship. You're probably a lot like me in the sense that you use those raw emotions as fuel to better yourself, set goals, motivate yourself and bust your A** to make your visions a reality.


A good example... I was unemployed for a good part of my relationship with one of my exes. She mentioned after the breakup that she felt insecure in our relationship because I wasn't financially stable and couldn't provide for her. SO, what did I do? Since my relationship with her, which ended a good 2 years ago, I'm managed to obtain a great paying job, my own place (no mortgage yet, but I plan on it) filled with a ton of appliances (It may only be material, but I earned them. Material items won't make you happy. But, they're a testament to your success. However, to be totally honest. I'd give it all up for my most recent ex-gf).


With my most recent ex. A good part of the reason why we broke up had something to do with the fact that I seemed to have lost site of my goals and stopped taking care of myself. Now, I've been working out again and spending almost every free moment I have working towards my goals.


Keep it up the good work... You should be proud of yourself!

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I had a gf who doubted my goal of working on movies. Now, she only sees my name on the credits of the movies she rents.


Nothing is better than running into them later in life. Hilarious!!


Haha that's fantastic!


Hollyanne, absolutely I wouldn't do anything if it wasn't something I wanted to do anyway. It's just someone telling me I can't do it makes it so much more enjoyable when I get there.

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