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Everything posted by matti

  1. I totally feel for you on this. Even if my ex didn't leave for another (That I know of. We haven't talked in several weeks and I've blocked her as far as all forms on communication are concerned). I feel absolutely and utterly betrayed and abandoned. Even if I wasn't betrayed for another person, I put an extraordinary amount of time, emotion, effort and resources into the relationship for her to just throw it all away and move on as if none of it really mattered in the least. Now I have no choice but to spend an extraordinary amount of energy (as well as all of the above) letting go and moving on. If she were to come back and attempt to reconcile, There's a good chance that I'd have to go through the entire cycle all over again, since history tends to repeat. If it happens once, the odds are that much greater that it can happen again. I suppose that if it comes down to that point, we all would have to take this into consideration, when the time comes to choose whether it's worth the risk or not. I wish everyone the best of luck, when it comes to reconciling or letting go and moving on. I would love to hear that each and every one of us obtained what we had so desperately wished and hoped for. Regardless, we all will obtain genuine happiness via some means or another. Just keep on working on yourselves and don't let anything deter you.
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