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I'm freaking out, now i don't know what the hell to do anymore?

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The short story is this, i got fired 2 months ago been collecting unemployment, recently i decided to apply to several interships finally one answered and we have been corresponding back and forth for some time now. I got all the paper work ready and was very excited about the interview which is 2 days away. Then i started doing more exploring on their website and realized they focus primary on web development and my major is programing and computer security. Basically those two things have little or nothing to do with each other, one focuses on building websites using languages like html javascript flash the other deals with writing scripts for programs using C#, editing existing programs, dealing with web security. Am i freaking out, should i keep applying or just stick with this one being that i got something. I am pretty sure i don't want to be a web developer and i am not excited about working for free (i understand its an internship but also i am investing money, time and energy to commute there and work everyday), can someone give me advice because i am totally confused. My fear is that if i don't jump on this opportunity i may not get another one soon, and maybe i can make friends and network and keep applying while working there.

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Why are you applying to unpaid internships? If you have a degree, there's no reason you shouldn't be paid a competitive salary. If you were still in school and not finished getting your degree, I can see how an internship would be a great idea, but if you've graduated internships are a thing of the past.

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If I were you I'd go to the interview and be honest about the situation. If you don't want to be a Web developer there's not a lot of point interning as one (quite apart from the money issue). But, you never know, they might have a more appropriate vacancy coming up too.


Don't apologise, just say after the initial conversation that you're concerned whether the job is a good fit for you, but that you're also glad to make the company's acquaintance. Bear in mind that if your resume is detailed they probably already know where your skill set lies.

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I have not graduated and no where does it state that in my post, i said my major is programming that's all. Anyways, i really appreciate the feed back and i think you guys are right, maybe i am just desperate to get something under my belt regardless if it is relevant or not and i need to keep searching. Thank you for the feedback, it really helps; ill let you know how the interview goes.

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I have to disagree with Pl3asehelp despite giving good advice in the past. I understand where they are coming from, but internships also open doors to other avenues. I would go on this interview and be honest, and do your best. At the same time after the thank yous and call backs to see how the application is going, I would keep looking. Worse comes to worse you aren't a fit, and you just keep looking. Worse than wondering what if, in my opinion!

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