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Long story cut short. My boyfriend finished me, im doing everything ican o take my mind off him. However we work together and he is soon to return back to work and go to the christmas work party. I dont know what to do and i am stressing out because i really sont want to see him as my feelings are raw and it still hurts. Its been 2 weeks since we split and had NC. I am so anxious

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I feel for you ONe way I'm lucky is that we were long distance so I don't have to see him.

First of all, this is why they say you never date coworkers - there is no avoiding situations as mentioned above.


My best advice would be to avoid all contact where possible. It's going to be hard, but depending on the size of your workspace it is possible.

If you absolutely can't avoid him make contact brief, about business, and do your best to keep yourself together. Reserve your tears for your lunch break, and if possible - take some time off yourself after the holidays so you can have a little escape yourself.


Good Luck

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I'm sorry this happened, but it's predictable in work situations. What you have to do: steel your heart while you are around him. Don't engage him...if he says hello just nod politely. Don't do anything else. Please, don't cry. Is he allowed to take a date? He might. Best bet here: get a date, someone new that you do not work with, just for that night. It'll keep you from being able to do anything you'll regret. Remember, no matter how you feel, this is WHERE YOU WORK, and how you pay to live. Don't eff it up over a scene at an Xmas party.



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It always hardest to stop thinking about a person or situation in general when you are idle...having too much time on your hands. However, doing MINDLESS tasks to do something may not help either. I find that the best thing to do is get moving and do things to occupy your mind and body together.


And at this time of year, it does not take long to see that many of us DO have it so much better than others out there.

We DO dwell on the things that are not going the way we thought they would.


Try to take a step back and take a look at what you DO have going for you. You may consider trying to help others in need. This way they feel good and YOU feel good about helping others.


Hope this helps.

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You're not alone in this situation. I am in a similar situation. It's hard with co-workers, so damn hard.


The advice here is spot on. Do your best to give yourself NC and keep busy and fill some time with some of the things you care about.


There are lots here who can share similar stories.

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