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Weird feelings

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Called things off with this guy back in mid-October. We go to the same college, have the same major, and have one class together this quarter and next quarter. He said he wanted to stay friends.

After he called things off, I was still somewhat happy to see him in class. Granted I was also feeling pretty down that we couldn't make things work out. But lately, I've been starting to feel dread. Like I want to avoid him or something. Maybe this is because there was this one night he spent with me (NO SEX but slept in the same bed). It's kind of a long story but I thought he was just being a friend until he kissed me on the cheek. However, at the same time I dread seeing him in class or running into him elsewhere, I still want to see him.

Is this normal?

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Why don't you ask him out to something "just friends" wouldn't do. Since people love breaking gender stereotypes these days why don't you be the aggressor? If he isn't interested then you decide whether being friends is still an option for you or not. If he is into the idea go with it and see what happens. Either way you won't have to feel confused about him anymore.

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