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I moved to a new city roughly 4 months ago and met a girl who was in the exact same situation as I. Moved for a new job. I messaged her on a social media site a few weeks later my # and she responded to me a few weeks later. She had been text'ing me quite a bit, out of the blue, being very friendly/nice. We had met up last weekend while both of us were at our old college for a football game, it went great, no kissing or anything-- i took the gentleman route. After though, she had stopped being so friendly. I messaged her to only get short responses, but she did say yes to us going out for a date this Friday. I haven't heard from her since she said yes (Sunday night) and we're both back in our new city. What's the best move here? Just play it cool and don't reach out?


She had said a lot of things when we were talking that would believe she is very interested. "You keep getting better and better", kidding about us getting married since we have so much in common, just asking tons of questions. Kind of confused.


Thank you!

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