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My ex contacted me after 2,5 weeks of NC

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I've got a new job and one of my male co-workers is my ex's good friend. I didn't recognized him first when he contacted my ex to notify that I got hired at his company. A minute after I got sms from my ex congratulating me with a new job. I replied a short thank you with smiling face.


My ex dumped me 2,5 weeks ago, I deleted him from my contacts, fb and went NC. I haven't heard from him since until today. I'm sure his friend will be notifying about me more if he did that today straight away. I try to look and behave my best though and it's difficult.

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Don't let this guy be a gateway or an excuse for you to fall back. Through reading some of your posts, I have the assumption your ex wasn't exactly...healthy for you. You may need to tell this guy you have no interest in revisiting your ended relationship and you think it's unethical for him to be spreading your news back to him.

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Personally, I completely despise this "friendly" behaviour after a BU. People often think they are soooo mature for acting like nothing happened, being (obsistently) friendly and polite. In reality such communication is just shallow and meaningless, at best.

Congratulations? Thanks ever so much, that really helps a lot, doesn't it?

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